This is an S4 class to represent an SDM based on a single algorithm (including
generalized linear model, general additive model, multivariate adpative
splines, generalized boosted regression model, classification tree analysis,
random forest, maximum entropy, artificial neural network, and support vector
machines). This S4 class is obtained with modelling
character. Name of the SDM (by default Species.SDM).
raster. Habitat suitability map produced by the SDM.
raster. Presence/Absence binary map produced by the SDM.
data frame. Evaluation of the SDM (available metrics include AUC, Kappa, sensitivity, specificity and proportion of correctly predicted occurrences) and identification of the optimal threshold to convert the habitat suitability map into a binary presence/absence map.
data frame. Relative importance of each variable in the SDM.
data frame. Data used to build the SDM.
data frame. Parameters used to build the SDM.
Ensemble.SDM an S4 class for ensemble SDMs, and Stacked.SDM an S4 class for SSDMs.