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SSN2 (version 0.2.1)

ssn_put_data: Put an sf data.frame in an SSN object


The ssn_put_data function puts an sf data.frame representing observation or prediction data into an SSN, ssn_lm, or ssn_glm object.


ssn_put_data(data, x, name = "obs", resize_data = FALSE)


Returns an object of the same class as x, which contains the sf data.frame sf_data.



sf data.frame with point geometry.


An object of class SSN, ssn_lm, or ssn_glm.


the internal name of the data set in the object x. For observed data, this will always be "obs", the default.


Logical. Indicates whether sf_df can have a different number of features than the current data.frame in the object. Default is FALSE.


The internal name for observed data in objects of class SSN, ssn_lm, and ssn_glm is "obs" and it is the default. If another name is specified, it must represent a prediction dataset in the object. For SSN objects, these names are obtained using the call names(x$preds). For all other object classes, the names are obtained using the call names(x$ssn.object$preds).

The resize_sf_data argument specifies whether sf_data can have a different number of features (i.e., rows) than the sf data.frame it is replacing. Care should be taken when resize_df is set to TRUE, especially if the new sf_data has more features than the existing sf data.frame. In these cases, the user is responsible for ensuring that the additional features have the correct spatial, topological, and attribute data to accurately represent spatial relationships in the SSN object.

See Also



Run this code
## Extract observation data.frame from SSN object
obs.df <- ssn_get_data(mf04p)
## Create a new column for summer mean temperature and set Value in
obs.df$Value <- obs.df$Summer_mn
obs.df$Value[1] <- NA

## Put the modified sf data.frame into the SSN object
mf04p <- ssn_put_data(obs.df, mf04p)
head(ssn_get_data(mf04p)[, c("Summer_mn", "Value")])

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab