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SSN2 (version 0.2.1)

ssn_simulate: Simulate random variables on a stream network


Simulate random variables on a stream network with a specific mean and covariance structure. Designed to use ssn_simulate(), but individual simulation functions for each resposne distribution also exist.


  family = "Gaussian",
  network = "obs",
  mean = 0,
  samples = 1,
  dispersion = 1,
  size = 1,

ssn_rbeta( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, dispersion = 1, mean = 0, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )

ssn_rbinom( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, mean = 0, size = 1, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )

ssn_rgamma( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, dispersion = 1, mean = 0, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )

ssn_rinvgauss( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, dispersion = 1, mean = 0, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )

ssn_rnbinom( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, dispersion = 1, mean = 0, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )

ssn_rnorm( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, mean = 0, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )

ssn_rpois( ssn.object, network = "obs", tailup_params, taildown_params, euclid_params, nugget_params, mean = 0, samples = 1, additive, randcov_params, partition_factor, ... )


If samples is 1, a vector of random variables for each row of ssn.object$obs

is returned. If samples is greater than one, a matrix of random variables is returned, where the rows correspond to each row of ssn.object$obs and the columns correspond to independent samples.



The response distribution family. The default is "Gaussian".


A spatial stream network object with class SSN. Random variables are simulated for each row of ssn.object$obs.


The spatial stream network to simulate on. Currently only allowed to be "obs" for the ssn.object$obs object.


An object from tailup_params() specifying the tailup covariance parameters.


An object from taildown_params() specifying the taildown covariance parameters.


An object from euclid_params() specifying the Euclidean covariance parameters.


An object from nugget_params() specifying the nugget covariance parameters.


The name of the variable in ssn.object that is used to define spatial weights. Can be quoted or unquoted. For the tailup covariance functions, these additive weights are used for branching. Technical details that describe the role of the additive variable in the tailup covariance function are available in Ver Hoef and Peterson (2010).


A numeric vector representing the mean. mean must have length 1 (in which case it is recycled) or length equal to the number of rows in data. The default is 0.


The number of independent samples to generate. The default is 1.


The dispersion value (if relevant).


A numeric vector representing the sample size for each binomial trial. The default is 1, which corresponds to a Bernoulli trial for each observation.


A spmodel::randcov_params() object.


A formula indicating the partition factor.


Other arguments. Not used (needed for generic consistency).


Random variables are simulated via the product of the covariance matrix's square (Cholesky) root and independent standard normal random variables on the link scale, which are then used to simulate a relevant variable on the response scale according to family. Computing the square root is a significant computational burden and likely unfeasible for sample sizes much past 10,000. Because this square root only needs to be computed once, however, it is nearly the sample computational cost to call ssn_rnorm() for any value of samples.

If not using ssn_simulate(), individual simulation functions for each response distribution do exist:

  • ssn_rnorm(): Simulate from a Gaussian distribution

  • ssn_rpois(): Simulate from a Poisson distribution

  • ssn_rnbinom(): Simulate from a negative binomial distribution

  • ssn_rbinom(): Simulate from a binomial distribution

  • ssn_rbeta(): Simulate from a beta distribution

  • ssn_rgamma(): Simulate from a gamma distribution

  • ssn_rinvgauss(): Simulate from an inverse Gaussian distribution


Ver Hoef, J.M. and Peterson, E.E. (2010) A moving average approach for spatial statistical models of stream networks (with discussion). Journal of the American Statistical Association 105, 6--18. DOI: 10.1198/jasa.2009.ap08248. Rejoinder pgs. 22--24.


Run this code
# Copy the mf04p .ssn data to a local directory and read it into R
# When modeling with your .ssn object, you will load it using the relevant
# path to the .ssn data on your machine
temp_path <- paste0(tempdir(), "/MiddleFork04.ssn")
mf04p <- ssn_import(temp_path, overwrite = TRUE)

tailup <- tailup_params("exponential", de = 0.1, range = 200)
taildown <- taildown_params("exponential", de = 0.4, range = 300)
euclid <- euclid_params("spherical", de = 0.2, range = 1000, rotate = 0, scale = 1)
nugget <- nugget_params("nugget", nugget = 0.1)
ssn_simulate("gaussian", mf04p, "obs", tailup, taildown, euclid, nugget, additive = "afvArea")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab