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SSN2 (version 0.2.1)

ssn_split_predpts: Split a prediction dataset in an SSN object


The splitPrediction function is used to split prediction sets in an SSN object into smaller prediction sets. It returns a SSN object with additional prediction sets based on equal interval splits, a factor, integer, character or logical column stored within the prediction set, or a logical expression.


  keep = TRUE,
  drop_levels = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE


returns the SSN specified in ssn, with one or more new prediction sets. Geopackages of the new prediction sets are written to the .ssn directory designated in ssn$path.



An SSN object.


A character string representing the name of the prediction dataset.


numeric value representing the size of the new prediction sets. The existing prediction set is split equally to produce multiple prediction sets of this size


character string representing the column name of type factor, integer, character or logical that the split will be based on


logical expression indicating which elements or rows to keep; missing values are taken as FALSE


character string representing the new prediction dataset name. This value is only specified when the subset method is used


logical value indicating whether the original prediction dataset should be retained in the SSN object. Default is TRUE


logical value indicating whether empty factor levels should be dropped in the by column when the new prediction dataset(s) are created. Default is FALSE


logical indicating whether the new prediction dataset geopackage should be deleted in the .ssn directory if it already exists. Default = FALSE


Three methods have been provided to split prediction sets: size, by, and subset. The size method is used to split the existing prediction set into multiple equally-sized prediction sets using the size_predpts argument. Note that the final prediction set may be smaller in size than the others if the total number of predictions is not evenly divisible by size_predpts. The by method is used if the prediction set is to be split into multiple new prediction sets based on an existing column of type factor, integer, character, or logical specified using the argument by. The subset method is used to create one new prediction set based on a logical expression defined in subset.

When more than one prediction dataset is created the prediction dataset names will be appended with a hyphen and prediction dataset number if more than one prediction dataset is created. For example, when "preds" is split using size_predpts, the new names will be "preds-1", "preds-2", and so forth.

When keep=FALSE, the prediction dataset is removed from the SSN object stored in memory, but is not deleted from the .ssn directory specified in ssn$path.

Note that, only one method may be specified when the ssn_split_predpts function is called. The distance matrices for the new prediction datasets must be created using the ssn_create_distmat before predictions can be made.


Run this code
## Import SSN object
copy_lsn_to_temp() ## Only needed for this example
ssn <- ssn_import(paste0(tempdir(), "/MiddleFork04.ssn"),
  predpts = c("pred1km", "CapeHorn"),
  overwrite = TRUE

## Split predictions based on 'size' method
ssn1 <- ssn_split_predpts(ssn, "CapeHorn",
  size_predpts = 200,
  keep = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE

## Split predictions using 'by' method
ssn$preds$pred1km$net.fac <- as.factor(ssn$preds$pred1km$netID)
ssn2 <- ssn_split_predpts(ssn, "pred1km",
  by = "net.fac",
  overwrite = TRUE

## Split predictions using 'subset' method
ssn3 <- ssn_split_predpts(ssn, "pred1km",
  subset = ratio > 0.5,
  id_predpts = "RATIO_05", overwrite = TRUE

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