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objectReturns an SSN
object that has been subset based on a
logical expression.
ssn_subset(ssn, path, subset, clip = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE)
an object of class SSN
, which is stored locally in the .ssn
directory specified in path
. It also creates and
stores an SQLite database, binaryID.db, within the .ssn
The filepath to the .ssn folder, in string format,
where the subset SSN
will be saved.
A logical expression indicating which features to keep.
, create a subset of the edges and
prediction sites, based on the same logical expression used to
subset the observed sites. Default = FALSE
, overwrite the folder specified in
if it exists. Default = FALSE.
This function creates a subset of the original SSN
object based on a logical expression defined in the subset
argument. The subset
argument is treated as an expression
within ssn_subset()
and so the full argument is not a
string; although values in factor or character format will still
require quotes (see examples). If clip = TRUE
, then the
columns referred to in subset
must be present in the edges
and all of the prediction datasets (if present in the SSN
object). Note that features with missing values in the subset
expression are treated as false and are not included in the
subset SSN
Once the subset SSN
object has been written to the local
directory, it is re-imported using
. During this process, the
binaryID.db is recreated. If distance matrices exist in the
original SSN
object, they are not copied or recalculated
for the new SSN
object. Users will need to run the
to create the distance
matrices before fitting models to the data in the subset
## Import SSN object
copy_lsn_to_temp() ## Only needed for this example
mf04p <- ssn_import(paste0(tempdir(), "/MiddleFork04.ssn"),
predpts = "pred1km",
overwrite = TRUE
## Subset SSN observations, edges, and prediction sites on network 1
ssn.sub1 <- ssn_subset(mf04p,
path = paste0(tempdir(), "/subset1.ssn"),
subset = netID == 1, clip = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE
## Subset SSN observations, removing two sites
ssn.sub2 <- ssn_subset(mf04p,
path = paste0(tempdir(), "/subset2.ssn"),
subset = !COMID %in% c("23519461", "23519365"),
overwrite = TRUE
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