## Not run:
# ## Analysis of a "simple" spontaneous train
# ## load the data
# data(e060824spont)
# ## create a data frame using the 1st neuron
# DFA <- subset(mkGLMdf(e060824spont,0.004,0,59),neuron==1)
# ## Add the previous ISI to the data frame
# DFA <- within(DFA,i1 <- isi(DFA,lag=1))
# DFA <- DFA[complete.cases(DFA),]
# ## estimate the "map to uniform" functions for 2 variables:
# ## 1) the elapsed time since the last spike (lN.1)
# ## 2) the previous insterspike interval
# ## Do this estimation on the first half of the set
# m2u1 <- mkM2U(DFA,"lN.1",0,29)
# m2ui <- mkM2U(DFA,"i1",0,29,maxiter=200)
# ## create "mapped" variables
# DFA <- within(DFA,e1t <- m2u1(lN.1))
# DFA <- within(DFA,i1t <- m2ui(i1))
# ## split the data in 2 parts, one for the fit, the other for the test
# DFAe <- subset(DFA, time <= 29)
# DFAl <- subset(DFA, time > 29)
# ## fit an additive model with gssanova
# m1.fit <- gssanova(event ~ e1t + i1t,
# data = DFAe,
# family="binomial",
# seed=20061001)
# ## test the model by "time transforming" the late part
# tt.l <- m1.fit %tt% DFAl
# tt.l.summary <- summary(tt.l)
# tt.l.summary
# plot(tt.l.summary,which=c(1,2,4,6))
# ## Start with simulatd data #####
# ## Use thinning method and for that define a couple
# ## of functions
# ## expDecay gives an exponentially decaying
# ## synaptic effect followin a presynpatic spike.
# ## All the pre-synaptic spikes between "now" (argument
# ## t) and the previous spike of the post-synaptic
# ## neuron have an effect (and the summation is linear)
# expDecay <- function(t,preT,last,
# delay=0.002,tau=0.015) {
# if (missing(last)) good <- (preT+delay) < t
# else good <- last < preT & (preT+delay) < t
# if (sum(good) == 0) return(0)
# preS <- preT[good]
# preS <- t-preS-delay
# sum(exp(-preS/tau))
# }
# ## Same as expDecay except that the effect is pusle like
# pulseFF <- function(t,preT,last,
# delay=0.005,duration=0.01) {
# if (missing(last)) good <- t-duration < (preT+delay) & (preT+delay) < t
# else good <- t-duration < (preT+delay) & last < preT & (preT+delay) < t
# sum(good)
# }
# ## The work horse. Given a pre-synaptic train (preT),
# ## a duration, lognormal parameters and a presynaptic
# ## effect fucntion, mkPostTrain simulates a log-linear
# ## post-synaptic train using the thinning method
# mkPostTrain <- function(preT,
# duration=60,
# meanlog=-2.4,
# sdlog=0.4,
# preFF=expDecay,
# beta=log(5),
# maxCI=30,
# ...) {
# nuRest <- exp(-meanlog-0.5*sdlog^2)
# poissonRest <- nuRest*ifelse(beta>0,exp(beta),1)
# ciRest <- function(t) nuRest*exp(beta*preFF(t,preT,...))
# poissonNext <- maxCI*ifelse(beta>0,exp(beta),1)
# ci <- function(t,tLast) hlnorm(t-tLast,meanlog,sdlog)*exp(beta*preFF(t,preT,tLast,...))
# vLength <- poissonRest*300
# result <- numeric(vLength)
# currentTime <- 0
# lastTime <- 0
# eventIdx <- 1
# nextTime <- function(currentTime,lastTime) {
# if (currentTime > 0) {
# currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonNext)
# ciRatio <- ci(currentTime,lastTime)/poissonNext
# if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
# while (runif(1) > ciRatio) {
# currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonNext)
# ciRatio <- ci(currentTime,lastTime)/poissonNext
# if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
# }
# } else {
# currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonRest)
# ciRatio <- ciRest(currentTime)/poissonRest
# if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
# while (runif(1) > ciRatio) {
# currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonRest)
# ciRatio <- ciRest(currentTime)/poissonRest
# if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
# }
# }
# currentTime
# }
# while(currentTime <= duration) {
# currentTime <- nextTime(currentTime,lastTime)
# result[eventIdx] <- currentTime
# lastTime <- currentTime
# eventIdx <- eventIdx+1
# if (eventIdx > vLength) {
# result <- c(result,numeric(vLength))
# vLength <- length(result)
# }
# }
# result[result > 0]
# }
# ## set the rng seed
# set.seed(11006,"Mersenne-Twister")
# ## generate a log-normal pre train
# preTrain <- cumsum(rlnorm(1000,-2.4,0.4))
# preTrain <- preTrain[preTrain < 60]
# ## generate a post synaptic train with an
# ## exponentially decaying pre-synaptic excitation
# post1 <- mkPostTrain(preTrain)
# ## generate a post synaptic train with a
# ## pulse-like pre-synaptic excitation
# post2 <- mkPostTrain(preTrain,preFF=pulseFF)
# ## generate a post synaptic train with a
# ## pulse-like pre-synaptic inhibition
# post3 <- mkPostTrain(preTrain,preFF=pulseFF,beta=-log(5))
# ## make a list of spikeTrain objects out of that
# interData <- list(pre=as.spikeTrain(preTrain),
# post1=as.spikeTrain(post1),
# post2=as.spikeTrain(post2),
# post3=as.spikeTrain(post3))
# ## remove the trains
# rm(preTrain,post1,post2,post3)
# ## look at them
# interData[["pre"]]
# interData[["post1"]]
# interData[["post2"]]
# interData[["post3"]]
# ## compute cross-correlograms
# interData.lt1 <- lockedTrain(interData[["pre"]],interData[["post1"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# interData.lt2 <- lockedTrain(interData[["pre"]],interData[["post2"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# interData.lt3 <- lockedTrain(interData[["pre"]],interData[["post3"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# ## look at the cross-raster plots
# interData.lt1
# interData.lt2
# interData.lt3
# ## look at the corresponding histograms
# hist(interData.lt1,bw=0.0025)
# hist(interData.lt2,bw=0.0025)
# hist(interData.lt3,bw=0.0025)
# ## check out what goes on between post2 and post1
# interData.lt1v2 <- lockedTrain(interData[["post2"]],interData[["post1"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# interData.lt1v2
# hist(interData.lt1v2,bw=0.0025)
# ## fine
# ## create a GLM data frame using a 1 ms bin width
# dfAll <- mkGLMdf(interData,delta=0.001,lwr=0,upr=60)
# ## build the sub-list relating to neuron 2
# dfN2 <- dfAll[dfAll$neuron=="2",]
# ## fit dfN2 with a smooth effect for the elasped time since the last
# ## event of neuron 2 and another one with the elasped time since the
# ## last event from neuron 1. Use moroever only the events for which the
# ## the last event from neuron 1 occurred at most 100 ms ago.
# dfN2.fit0 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,bs="cr") + s(lN.2,bs="cr"), data=dfN2, family=poisson, subset=(dfN2$lN.1 <=0.1))
# ## look at the summary
# summary(dfN2.fit0)
# ## plot the smooth term of neuron 1
# plot(dfN2.fit0,select=1,rug=FALSE,ylim=c(-0.8,0.8))
# ## Can you see the exponential presynatic effect with
# ## a 15 ms decay time appearing?
# ## Now check the dependence on lN.2
# xx <- seq(0.001,0.3,0.001)
# ## plot the estimated conditional intensity when the last spike
# ## from neuron 1 came a long time ago (100 ms)
# plot(xx,exp(predict(dfN2.fit0,data.frame(lN.1=rep(100,300)*0.001,lN.2=(1:300)*0.001))),type="l")
# ## add a line for the true conditional intensity
# lines(xx,hlnorm(xx,-2.4,0.4)*0.001,col=2)
# ## do the same thing for the survival function
# plot(xx,exp(-cumsum(exp(predict(dfN2.fit0,data.frame(lN.1=rep(100,300)*0.001,lN.2=(1:300)*0.001))))),type="l")
# lines(xx,plnorm(xx,-2.4,0.4,lower.tail=FALSE),col=2)
# ## use gssanova
# ## split the data set in 2 parts, one for the fit, the other for the
# ## test
# dfN2e <- dfN2[dfN2$time <= 20,]
# dfN2l <- dfN2[dfN2$time > 20,]
# ## fit the same model as before with gssanova
# dfN2.fit1 <- gssanova(event ~ lN.1 + lN.2, data=dfN2e, family="poisson", seed=20061001)
# ## plot the effect of neuron 1
# pred1 <- predict(dfN2.fit1,data.frame(lN.1=seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),
# lN.2=rep(median(dfN2e$lN.2),220)),
# se=TRUE)
# plot(seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),
# pred1$fit,type="l",
# ylim=c(min(pred1$fit-1.96*pred1$se.fit),max(pred1$fit+1.96*pred1$se.fit))
# )
# lines(seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),pred1$fit-1.96*pred1$se.fit,lty=2)
# lines(seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),pred1$fit+1.96*pred1$se.fit,lty=2)
# ## transform the time of the late part of the train
# ## first make sure than lN.1 and lN.2 are within the right bounds
# m1 <- max(dfN2e$lN.1)
# m2 <- max(dfN2e$lN.2)
# dfN2l$lN.1 <- sapply(dfN2l$lN.1, function(x) min(m1,x))
# dfN2l$lN.2 <- sapply(dfN2l$lN.2, function(x) min(m2,x))
# predl <- predict(dfN2.fit1,dfN2l)
# Lambda <- cumsum(exp(predl))
# ttl <- mkCPSP(Lambda[dfN2l$event==1])
# ttl
# plot(summary(ttl))
# ## see what happens without time transformation
# rtl <- mkCPSP(dfN2l$time[dfN2l$event==1])
# plot(summary(rtl))
# ## Now repeat the fit including a possible contribution from neuron 3
# dfN2.fit1 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,bs="cr") + s(lN.2,bs="cr") + s(lN.3,bs="cr"), data=dfN2, family=poisson, subset=(dfN2$lN.1 <=0.1) & (dfN2$lN.3 <= 0.1))
# ## Use the summary to see if the new element brings something
# summary(dfN2.fit1)
# ## It does not!
# ## Now look at neurons 3 and 4 (ie, post2 and post3)
# dfN3 <- dfAll[dfAll$neuron=="3",]
# dfN3.fit0 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,k=20,bs="cr") + s(lN.3,k=15,bs="cr"),data=dfN3,family=poisson, subset=(dfN3$lN.1 <=0.1))
# summary(dfN3.fit0)
# plot(dfN3.fit0,select=1,ylim=c(-1.5,1.8),rug=FALSE)
# dfN4 <- dfAll[dfAll$neuron=="4",]
# dfN4.fit0 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,k=20,bs="cr") + s(lN.4,k=15,bs="cr"),data=dfN4,family=poisson, subset=(dfN4$lN.1 <=0.1))
# summary(dfN4.fit0)
# plot(dfN4.fit0,select=1,ylim=c(-1.8,1.5),rug=FALSE)
# ## End(Not run)
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