- noptim
Number of optimization runs to be performed
- nsampl
Number of samples to be drawn from the optimized population frame after each optimization
- frame
The (mandatory) dataframe containing the sampling frame
- errors
This is the (mandatory) dataframe containing the precision levels expressed in terms of Coefficients of Variation
that estimates on target variables Y's of the survey must comply
- strata
This is the (mandatory) dataframe containing the information related to "atomic" strata, i.e. the strata obtained by
the Cartesian product of all auxiliary variables X's. Information concerns the identifiability of strata
(values of X's) and variability of Y's (for each Y, mean and standard error in strata)
- cens
This the (optional) dataframe containing the takeall strata, those strata whose units must be selected in
whatever sample. It has same structure than "strata" dataframe
- strcens
Flag (TRUE/FALSE) to indicate if takeall strata do exist or not. Default is FALSE
- alldomains
Flag (TRUE/FALSE) to indicate if the optimization must be carried out on all domains. It must be left to its default (FALSE)
- dom
Indicates the domain on which the optimization runs must be performed. It is an integer value that has to be internal to the interval
(1 <--> number of domains). It is mandatory, if not indicated, the default (1) is taken.
- initialStrata
This is the initial limit on the number of strata for each solution. Default is 3000.
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- addStrataFactor
This parameter indicates the probability that at each mutation the number of strata may increase with
respect to the current value. Default is 0.01 (1
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- minnumstr
Indicates the minimum number of units that must be allocated in each stratum. Default is 2.
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- iter
Indicated the maximum number of iterations (= generations) of the genetic algorithm. Default is 20.
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- pops
The dimension of each generations in terms of individuals. Default is 50.
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- mut_chance
Mutation chance: for each new individual, the probability to change each single chromosome, i.e. one bit
of the solution vector. High values of this parameter allow a deeper exploration of the solution space,
but a slower convergence, while low values permit a faster convergence, but the final solution can be
distant from the optimal one. Default is 0.05.
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- elitism_rate
This parameter indicates the rate of better solutions that must be preserved from one generation
to another. Default is 0.2 (20
This parameter has to be given in a vectorial format, whose length is given by the number of different optimisations
( = value of parameter 'noptim')
- writeFiles
Indicates if the various dataframes and plots produced during the execution have to be written in the working
Default is FALSE.