nerlove63: Marc Nerlove's (1963) data
Data used by Marc Nerlove (1963) on returns of electricity supply. This dataset contains the following columns:- totcost costs in 1970, MM USD.
- output output, billion KwH.
- plabor price of labor.
- pfuel price of fuel.
- pkap price of capital.
A data.frame
object with ncol(SciencesPo::nerlove63) variables and nrow(SciencesPo::nerlove63) observations.source
Hayashi, F. (2000). Econometrics. Princeton. New Jersey, USA: Princeton University.
Nerlove, M. (1963) Returns to Scale in Electricity Supply. In Measurement in Economics-Studies in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics in Memory of Yehuda Grunfeld, edited by Carl F. Christ. Stanford: Stanford.