- res
the result of a factor analysis
- data.pref
a data frame in which each row represent a product and each column represent the hedonic scores of a given
consumer for the products
- nb.clust
an integer. If 0, the tree is cut at the level the user clicks on. If -1, the tree is automatically cut at the suggested level (see details). If a (positive) integer, the tree is cut with nb.cluters clusters
- seuil
the size of the area kept for each group of consumers
- consol
a boolean. If TRUE, a k-means consolidation is performed
- ncp
number of dimensions kept in the results (by default 5)
- scale.conso
scale data by consumer
- graph.carto
if TRUE, the preference map is displayed. If FALSE, no graph is displayed
- graph.hcpc
if TRUE, graphics of segmentation (trees and indivuals map) are displayed. If FALSE, no graph are displayed
- graph.group
if TRUE, preference maps for each group are displayed. If FALSE, no map are displayed
- col.min
define the color which match to the low levels of preference
- col.max
define the color which match to the high levels of preference
- contrast
define the color contrast between groups' areas and the rest of the map
- level
the number of standard deviations used in the calculation of the preference response surface for all
the consumers
- asp
if 1 is assigned to that parameter, the graphic displays are output in an orthonormal coordinate system
- lwd
control the line width for the outlines defining groups' areas