- x
an object of class VerbAna
- axes
a length 2 vector specifying the components to plot
- choix
a string corresponding to the graph that you want to do ("prod" for the products graph, "panel" for the panellists graph, "dist" for the distinct-words graph, "cons" for the consensual words graph)
- lab
boolean, if TRUE, the labels are drawn
- color
the color to use to draw the graph
- pch
either an integer specifying a symbol or a single character to be used as the default in plotting points. See points for possible values and their interpretation
- proba
significance threshold considered to define consensual words (by default 0.05)
- xlim
range for the plotted 'x' values, defaulting to the range of the finite values of 'x'
- ylim
range for the plotted 'y' values, defaulting to the range of the finite values of 'y'
- cex
numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default (by default 1)
- title
string corresponding to the title of the graph you draw
- new.plot
boolean, if TRUE, a new graphical device is created
- ...
further arguments passed to or from other methods, such as cex, cex.main, ...