- object
Seurat object
- assay
Name of assay to use, defaults to the active assay
- features
Input vector of features, or named list of feature vectors
if feature-grouped panels are desired (replicates the functionality of the
old SplitDotPlotGG)
- cols
Colors to plot: the name of a palette from
, a pair of colors defining a gradient,
or 3+ colors defining multiple gradients (if split.by is set)
- col.min
Minimum scaled average expression threshold (everything
smaller will be set to this)
- col.max
Maximum scaled average expression threshold (everything larger
will be set to this)
- dot.min
The fraction of cells at which to draw the smallest dot
(default is 0). All cell groups with less than this expressing the given
gene will have no dot drawn.
- dot.scale
Scale the size of the points, similar to cex
- idents
Identity classes to include in plot (default is all)
- group.by
Factor to group the cells by
- split.by
Factor to split the groups by (replicates the functionality
of the old SplitDotPlotGG);
see FetchData
for more details
- cluster.idents
Whether to order identities by hierarchical clusters
based on given features, default is FALSE
- scale
Determine whether the data is scaled, TRUE for default
- scale.by
Scale the size of the points by 'size' or by 'radius'
- scale.min
Set lower limit for scaling, use NA for default
- scale.max
Set upper limit for scaling, use NA for default