Plot a single expression by identity on a plot
split = NULL,
type = "violin",
sort = FALSE,
y.max = NULL,
adjust = 1,
pt.size = 0,
cols = NULL,
seed.use = 42,
log = FALSE,
add.noise = TRUE,
raster = NULL
A ggplot-based Expression-by-Identity plot
Data to plot
Idents to use
Use a split violin plot
Make either a “ridge” or “violin” plot
Sort identity classes (on the x-axis) by the average expression of the attribute being potted
Maximum Y value to plot
Adjust parameter for geom_violin
Size of points for violin plots
Colors to use for plotting
Random seed to use. If NULL, don't set a seed
plot Y axis on log10 scale
determine if adding small noise for plotting
Convert points to raster format. Requires 'ggrastr' to be installed.
default is NULL
which automatically rasterizes if ggrastr is installed and
number of points exceed 100,000.