Construct a dictionary representation for each unimodal dataset
laplacian.reduction = "lap",
laplacian.dims = 1:50, = "Bridge",
return.all.assays = FALSE,
l2.norm = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
Returns a object list in which each object has a bridge cell derived assay
A list of Seurat objects
A multi-omic bridge Seurat which is used as the basis to represent unimodal datasets
A list of dimensional reductions from object.list used to be reconstructed by bridge.object
A list of dimensional reductions from bridge.object used to reconstruct object.reduction
Name of bridge graph laplacian dimensional reduction
Dimensions used for bridge graph laplacian dimensional reduction
Assay name used for bridge object reconstruction value (default is 'Bridge')
Whether to return all assays in the object.list. Only bridge assay is returned by default.
Whether to l2 normalize the dictionary representation
Print messages and progress