Density plots to visualize perturbation scores calculated from RunMixscape function.
target.gene.class = "gene",
target.gene.ident = NULL,
mixscape.class = "mixscape_class",
col = "orange2", = NULL,
before.mixscape = FALSE,
prtb.type = "KO"
A ggplot object.
An object of class Seurat.
meta data column specifying all target gene names in the experiment.
Target gene name to visualize perturbation scores for.
meta data column specifying mixscape classifications.
Specify color of target gene class or knockout cell class. For control non-targeting and non-perturbed cells, colors are set to different shades of grey.
For datasets with more than one cell type. Set equal TRUE to visualize perturbation scores for each cell type separately.
Option to split densities based on mixscape classification (default) or original target gene classification. Default is set to NULL and plots cells by original class ID.
specify type of CRISPR perturbation expected for labeling mixscape classifications. Default is KO.