Returns a vector of partition indices.
method = deprecated(),
partition.type = c("RBConfigurationVertexPartition", "ModularityVertexPartition",
"RBERVertexPartition", "CPMVertexPartition", "MutableVertexPartition",
"SignificanceVertexPartition", "SurpriseVertexPartition"),
initial.membership = NULL,
node.sizes = NULL,
resolution.parameter = 1,
random.seed = 1,
n.iter = 10
An adjacency matrix or adjacency list.
Type of partition to use for Leiden algorithm. Defaults to "RBConfigurationVertexPartition", see for more options.
Passed to the `initial_membership` parameter of `leidenbase::leiden_find_partition`.
Passed to the `node_sizes` parameter of `leidenbase::leiden_find_partition`.
A parameter controlling the coarseness of the clusters for Leiden algorithm. Higher values lead to more clusters. (defaults to 1.0 for partition types that accept a resolution parameter)
Seed of the random number generator, must be greater than 0.
Maximal number of iterations per random start