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SeuratObject (version 5.0.2)

AssayData: Get and Set Assay Data


General accessor and setter functions for Assay objects. GetAssayData can be used to pull information from any of the expression matrices (eg. “counts”, “data”, or “scale.data”). SetAssayData can be used to replace one of these expression matrices


GetAssayData(object, ...)

SetAssayData(object, layer, new.data, slot = deprecated(), ...)

# S3 method for Seurat GetAssayData(object, assay = NULL, layer = NULL, slot = deprecated(), ...)

# S3 method for Seurat SetAssayData( object, layer = "data", new.data, slot = deprecated(), assay = NULL, ... )

# S3 method for Assay GetAssayData( object, layer = c("data", "scale.data", "counts"), slot = deprecated(), ... )

# S3 method for Assay SetAssayData( object, layer = c("data", "scale.data", "counts"), new.data, slot = deprecated(), ... )


GetAssayData: returns the specified assay data

SetAssayData: object with the assay data set



An object


Arguments passed to other methods


Name of layer to get or set


New assay data to add


lifecycle::badge("deprecated") Specific assay data to get or set


Specific assay to get data from or set data for; defaults to the default assay



GetAssayData and SetAssayData have been superseded. To fetch expression matrices, use LayerData; to set expression data, use LayerData<-


Run this code
# Get assay data from the default assay in a Seurat object
GetAssayData(object = pbmc_small, layer = "data")[1:5,1:5]

# Set an Assay layer through the Seurat object
count.data <- GetAssayData(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "counts")
count.data <- as.matrix(x = count.data + 1)
new.seurat.object <- SetAssayData(
    object = pbmc_small,
    layer = "counts",
    new.data = count.data,
    assay = "RNA"

# Get the data directly from an Assay object
GetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "data")[1:5,1:5]

# Set an Assay layer directly
count.data <- GetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "counts")
count.data <- as.matrix(x = count.data + 1)
new.assay <- SetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "counts", new.data = count.data)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab