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ShapeSelectForest (version 1.7)

edf0s: A 21 by 7 Matrix Storing Edf0 Vectors


The object "edf0s" is a \(21\) by \(7\) matrix. Each row is an edf0 vector of \(7\) elements corresponding to the \(7\) shapes in this package. Such a vector will be used in the main routine "shape" to select the best shape for a scatterplot of Landsat signals. Each edf0 vector is simulated through a subroutine called "getedf0", using a total of \(1000\) simulations with the random seed being set to \(123\). Each row is an edf0 vector for an equally spaced \(\bold{x}\) vector of \(n\) elements (e.g., years). From the first row to the last row, the edf0 vector is for a predictor vector \(\bold{x}\) of length \(n\) which is an integer ranging from \(20\) to \(40\). The matrix is built for the convenience of users when they call the routine "shape".

If the \(\bold{x}\) vector is equally spaced and its number of elements \(n\) is between \(20\) and \(40\), then a corresponding edf0 vector will be extracted directly from this matrix and no simulation will be done, which saves a lot of time; otherwise, the subroutine "getedf0" will be called inside the routine "shape" to get an edf0 vector for \(\bold{x}\). The timing depends on the number of elements in \(\bold{x}\) and the shape options allowed by the user. For example, when \(\bold{x}\) is an equally spaced vector of \(26\) elements, the timing is about \(167\) seconds if the user allows a double-jump shape and the timing is about \(12\) seconds if the user doesn't allow a double-jump shape. Also, when \(\bold{x}\) is not an equally spaced vector, no matter how many elements it has, "getedf0" should be called.





A 21 by 7 matrix.

See Also

shape, ShapeSelectForest-package