- object
A Seurat object
- region
A set of genomic coordinates to show. Can be a GRanges object,
a string encoding a genomic position, a gene name, or a vector of strings
describing the genomic coordinates or gene names to plot. If a gene name is
supplied, annotations must be present in the assay.
- sep
Separators to use for strings encoding genomic coordinates. First
element is used to separate the chromosome from the coordinates, second
element is used to separate the start from end coordinate.
- tile.size
Size of the sliding window for per-cell fragment tile plot
- tile.cells
Number of cells to display fragment information for in tile
- extend.upstream
Number of bases to extend the region upstream.
- extend.downstream
Number of bases to extend the region downstream.
- assay
Name of assay to use
- cells
Which cells to plot. Default all cells
- group.by
Name of grouping variable to group cells by. If NULL, use the
current cell identities
- order.by
Option for determining how cells are chosen from each group.
Options are "total" or "random". "total" will select the top cells based on
total number of fragments in the region, "random" will select randomly.
- idents
List of cell identities to include in the plot. If NULL, use
all identities.