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SimDesign (version 2.2)

rejectionSampling: Rejection sampling (i.e., accept-reject method) to draw samples from difficult probability density functions


This function supports the rejection sampling (i.e., accept-reject) approach to drawing values from seemingly difficult, and potentially non-normed, probability density functions by sampling values from a more manageable proxy distribution. This function is optimized to work efficiently when the defined functions are vectorized; otherwise, the accept-reject algorithm will loop over candidate sample-draws in isolation.


rejectionSampling(n, df, dg, rg, M = NULL, returnM = FALSE, vectorized = TRUE)



number of samples to draw


the desired (potentially un-normed) probability density function to draw samples from. Must be in the form of a function with a single input corresponding to the values sampled from rg


the proxy (potentially un-normed) probability density function to draw samples from in lieu of drawing samples from df. The support for this density function should be the same as df (i.e., when df(x) > 0 then dg(x) > 0). Must be in the form of a function with a single input corresponding to the values sampled from rg


the proxy random number generation function, associated with dg, used to draw samples from in lieu of drawing samples from df. Must be in the form of a function with a single input corresponding to the number of values to draw, while the output can either be a vector or a matrix (if a matrix, each independent observation must be stored in a unique row)


the upper-bound of the ratio of probability density functions to help minimize the number of discarded draws. By default, M is computed internally by finding the maximum of the ratio df(x) / dg(x) within the range [0,1]. When both df and dg are true probability density functions (i.e., integrate to 1) then the acceptance probability is equal to 1/M


logical; return the value of M located from the internal optimization results?


logical; have the input function been vectorized (i.e., do they support a vector of input values rather than only a single sample)? This can be disabled, however it's recommended to redefine the input functions to be vectorized instead since these are more efficient when n is large or 1/M is small


returns a vector or matrix of draws (corresponding to the output class from rg) from the desired df


The accept-reject algorithm is a flexible approach to obtaining i.i.d.'s from a difficult to sample from probability density function (pdf) where either the transformation method fails or inverse of the cumulative distribution function is too difficult to manage. The algorithm does so by sampling from a more "well-behaved" proxy distribution (with identical support, up to some proportionality constant M), and accepts the draws if they are likely within the proposed pdf. Hence, the closer the shape of dg(x) is to the desired df(x), the more likely the draws are to be accepted; otherwise, many iterations of the accept-reject algorithm may be required, which decreases the computational efficiency.


Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C. (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations with the SimDesign Package. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16(4), 248-280. 10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248

Sigal, M. J., & Chalmers, R. P. (2016). Play it again: Teaching statistics with Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Statistics Education, 24(3), 136-156. 10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953


Run this code
# Generate X ~ beta(a,b), where a and b are a = 2.7 and b = 6.3,
# and the support is Y ~ Unif(0,1)
df <- function(x) dbeta(x, shape1 = 2.7, shape2 = 6.3)
dg <- function(x) dunif(x, min = 0, max = 1)
rg <- function(n) runif(n, min = 0, max = 1)

dat <- rejectionSampling(10000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg)
hist(dat, 100)
hist(rbeta(10000, 2.7, 6.3), 100) # compare

# when df and dg both integrate to 1, acceptance probability = 1/M
rejectionSampling(df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg, returnM=TRUE)

# user supplied M. Here, M = 4, indicating 25% acceptance rate
dat2 <- rejectionSampling(10000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg, M=4)
hist(dat2, 100)

# generate using better support function (here, Y ~ beta(2,6))
dg <- function(x) dbeta(x, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 6)
rg <- function(n) rbeta(n, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 6)
rejectionSampling(10000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg, returnM=TRUE) # more efficient
dat <- rejectionSampling(10000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg)
hist(dat, 100)

# sample from wonky (and non-normed) pdf, like below
df <- function(x){
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    ret[x <= .5] <- dnorm(x[x <= .5])
    ret[x > .5] <-  dnorm(x[x > .5]) + dchisq(x[x > .5], df = 2)
y <- seq(-5,5, length.out = 1000)
plot(y, df(y), type = 'l', main = "pdf to sample")

# choose dg/rg functions that have support within the range [-inf, inf]
rg <- function(n) rnorm(n, sd=2)
dg <- function(x) dnorm(x, sd=2)
dat <- rejectionSampling(10000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg)
hist(dat, 100, prob=TRUE)
lines(density(dat), col = 'red')

# same as above, but df not vectorized (much slower)
df2 <- function(x){
    ret <- if(x <= .5) dnorm(x)
    else if(x > .5) dnorm(x) + dchisq(x, df = 2)
system.time(dat2 <-
   rejectionSampling(100000, df=df2, dg=dg, rg=rg, vectorized=FALSE))
system.time(dat <-
   rejectionSampling(100000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg))

# multivariate distribution
df <- function(x) prod(c(dnorm(x[1]) + dchisq(x[1], df = 5),
                   dnorm(x[2], -1, 2)))
rg <- function(n) c(rnorm(n, sd=3), rnorm(n, sd=3))
dg <- function(x) prod(c(dnorm(x[1], sd=3), dnorm(x[1], sd=3)))

dat <- rejectionSampling(5000, df=df, dg=dg, rg=rg, M=10)
hist(dat[,1], 30)
hist(dat[,2], 30)

# }
# }

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