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SpaDES.core (version 2.0.5)

clearCache,simList-method: clearCache for simList objects


This will take the cachePath(object) and pass


# S4 method for simList
  userTags = character(),
  after = NULL,
  before = NULL,
  ask = getOption("reproducible.ask"),
  useCloud = FALSE,
  cloudFolderID = getOption("reproducible.cloudFolderID", NULL),
  drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
  conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),

# S4 method for simList showCache( x, userTags = character(), after = NULL, before = NULL, drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)), conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL), verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ... )

# S4 method for simList keepCache( x, userTags = character(), after = NULL, before = NULL, ask = getOption("reproducible.ask"), drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)), conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL), verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ... )


A data.table object showing the subset of items in the cache, located at cachePath

of the sim object, if sim is provided, or located in cachePath. For clearCache (invoked for its side effect of clearing objects matching userTags, or those between after or before), the returned data.table shows the removed items (invisibly).



A simList or a directory containing a valid Cache repository. Note: For compatibility with Cache argument, cachePath can also be used instead of x, though x will take precedence.


Character vector. If used, this will be used in place of the after and before. Specifying one or more userTag here will clear all objects that match those tags. Matching is via regular expression, meaning partial matches will work unless strict beginning (^) and end ($) of string characters are used. Matching will be against any of the 3 columns returned by showCache(), i.e., artifact, tagValue or tagName. Also, if length(userTags) > 1, then matching is by and. For or matching, use | in a single character string. See examples.


A time (POSIX, character understandable by data.table). Objects cached after this time will be shown or deleted.


A time (POSIX, character understandable by data.table). Objects cached before this time will be shown or deleted.


Logical. If FALSE, then it will not ask to confirm deletions using clearCache or keepCache. Default is TRUE


Logical. If TRUE, then every object that is deleted locally will also be deleted in the cloudFolderID, if it is non-NULL


A googledrive dribble of a folder, e.g., using drive_mkdir(). If left as NULL, the function will create a cloud folder with name from last two folder levels of the cachePath path, : paste0(basename(dirname(cachePath)), "_", basename(cachePath)). This cloudFolderID will be added to options("reproducible.cloudFolderID"), but this will not persist across sessions. If this is a character string, it will treat this as a folder name to create or use on GoogleDrive.


an object that inherits from DBIDriver, or an existing DBIConnection object (in order to clone an existing connection).


A DBIConnection object, as returned by dbConnect().


Numeric, -1 silent (where possible), 0 being very quiet, 1 showing more messaging, 2 being more messaging, etc. Default is 1. Above 3 will output much more information about the internals of Caching, which may help diagnose Caching challenges. Can set globally with an option, e.g., options('reproducible.verbose' = 0) to reduce to minimal


Other arguments. Currently, regexp, a logical, can be provided. This must be TRUE if the use is passing a regular expression. Otherwise, userTags will need to be exact matches. Default is missing, which is the same as TRUE. If there are errors due to regular expression problem, try FALSE. For cc, it is passed to clearCache, e.g., ask, userTags. For showCache, it can also be sorted = FALSE to return the object unsorted.