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SpaDES.core (version 2.0.5)

inputObjects: Metadata accessors


These accessors extract the metadata for a module (if specified) or all modules in a simList if not specified.


inputObjects(sim, module, path)

# S4 method for simList inputObjects(sim, module, path)

# S4 method for missing inputObjects(sim, module, path)

outputObjects(sim, module, path)

# S4 method for simList outputObjects(sim, module, path)

# S4 method for missing outputObjects(sim, module, path)

outputObjectNames(sim, module)

# S4 method for simList outputObjectNames(sim, module)

reqdPkgs(sim, module, modulePath)

# S4 method for simList reqdPkgs(sim, module, modulePath)

# S4 method for missing reqdPkgs(sim, module, modulePath)

documentation(sim, module)

# S4 method for simList documentation(sim, module)


# S4 method for simList sessInfo(sim)



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


Character vector of module name(s)


The path to the module., i.e., the modulePath. Only relevant if sim not supplied.


That path where module can be found. If set already using setPaths, it will use that. This will be ignored if sim is supplied and is required if sim not supplied


Run this code
# \donttest{
# set modulePath
setPaths(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
# use Require and reqdPkgs
pkgs <- reqdPkgs(module = c("caribouMovement", "randomLandscapes", "fireSpread"))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab