versionWarning: Compare module version against SpaDES package version and warn if incompatible
Performs a basic check to ensure the module version is compatible with the
SpaDES package version.
Compatibility is best assured when both versions are equal.
If module version < spades version, there is likely no problem, as SpaDES
should be backwards compatible.
However, if module version > spades version, the user needs to update their
version of SpaDES because module compatibility cannot be assured.
versionWarning(moduleName, moduleVersion)
"versionWarning"(moduleName, moduleVersion)
Character string providing the module name.
The module version as either a character, numeric, or
numeric version (e.g., extracted from module metadata).
Is coerced to numeric_version.
Logical (invisibly) indicating whether the module is compatible with
the version of the SpaDES package.
Will also produce a warning if not compatible.