# Load random maps included with package
filelist <- data.frame(
files = dir(system.file("maps", package = "SpaDES"),
full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif"),
functions = "rasterToMemory", package = "SpaDES"
sim1 <- loadFiles(filelist = filelist)
if (interactive()) Plot(sim1$DEM)
# Second, more sophisticated. All maps loaded at time = 0, and the last one is reloaded
# at time = 10 and 20 (via "intervals").
# Also, pass the single argument as a list to all functions...
# specifically, when add "native = TRUE" as an argument to the raster function
files = dir(system.file("maps", package = "SpaDES"),
full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")
arguments = I(rep(list(native = TRUE), length(files)))
filelist = data.frame(
files = files,
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = NA,
arguments = arguments,
loadTime = 0,
intervals = c(rep(NA, length(files)-1), 10)
sim2 <- loadFiles(filelist = filelist)
# if we extend the end time and continue running, it will load an object scheduled
# at time = 10, and it will also schedule a new object loading at 20 because
# interval = 10
end(sim2) <- 20
sim2 <- spades(sim2) # loads the percentPine map 2 more times, once at 10, once at 20
# }
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