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SpaDES (version 1.3.1)

spadesClasses: Classes defined in SpaDES


These S4 classes are defined within SpaDES. "dot" classes are not exported and are therefore intended for internal use only.


Simulation classes

simList The 'simList' class
.moduleDeps Descriptor object for specifying SpaDES module dependecies
.simDeps Defines all simulation dependencies for all modules within a SpaDES simulation
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Plotting classes - used within <code>Plot</code>

New classes
.spadesPlot Main class for Plot - contains .spadesGrob and .arrangement objects
.spadesGrob GRaphical OBject used by SpaDES - smallest unit
.arrangement The layout or "arrangement" of plot objects
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Unions of existing classes
.spadesPlottables The union of all object classes Plot can accept
.spadesPlotObjects The union of spatialObjects and several others
spatialObjects The union of several spatial classes
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See Also

Plot, simInit