# Make random forest cover map
emptyRas <- raster(extent(0,1e2,0,1e2), res = 1)
hab <- randomPolygons(emptyRas, numTypes = 40)
names(hab) = "hab"
mask <- raster(emptyRas)
mask <- setValues(mask, 0)
mask[1:5000] <- 1
numCol <- ncol(emptyRas)
numCell <- ncell(emptyRas)
directions <- 8
# Can use transparent as a color
setColors(hab) <- paste(c("transparent", brewer.pal(8, "Greys")))
if (interactive()) {
Plot(hab, speedup = 3) # note speedup is equivalent to making pyramids,
# so, some details are lost
# initiate 10 fires
startCells <- as.integer(sample(1:ncell(emptyRas),10))
fires <- spread(hab, loci = startCells,
0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, 1e6, id = TRUE)
#set colors of raster, including a transparent layer for zeros
setColors(fires, 10) <- c("transparent", brewer.pal(8,"Reds")[5:8])
if (interactive()) {
Plot(fires,addTo = "hab")
#alternatively, set colors using cols= in the Plot function
Plot(fires) # default color range makes zero transparent.
# Instead, to give a color to the zero values, use \code{zero.color=}
Plot(fires, addTo = "hab",
cols = colorRampPalette(c("orange","darkred"))(10))
hab2 <- hab
Plot(fires, addTo = "hab2", zero.color = "white",
cols = colorRampPalette(c("orange","darkred"))(10))
# or overplot the original (NOTE: legend stays at original values)
Plot(fires, cols = topo.colors(10))
## Continue event by passing interrupted object into spreadState
## Interrupt a spread event using iterations - need returnIndices = TRUE to use outputs
## as new inputs in next iteration
fires <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), returnIndices = TRUE,
0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 3, id = TRUE)
fires[,list(size=length(initialLocus)), by=id] # See sizes of fires
fires2 <- spread(hab, loci=NA_real_, returnIndices = TRUE, 0.235,
0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 2, id = TRUE,
# NOTE events are assigned arbitrary IDs, starting at 1
## Add new fires to the already burning fires
fires3 <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), returnIndices = TRUE,
0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 1, id = TRUE,
fires3[,list(size=length(initialLocus)), by=id] # See sizes of fires
# NOTE old ids are maintained, new events get ids begining above previous
# maximum (e.g., new fires 11 to 20 here)
## Use data.table and loci...
fires <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), returnIndices = TRUE,
0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 2, id = TRUE)
fullRas <- raster(hab)
fullRas[] <- 1:ncell(hab)
burned <- fires[active == FALSE]
burnedMap <- rasterizeReduced(burned, fullRas, "id", "indices")
if (interactive()) {
## stopRule examples
# examples with stopRule, which means that the eventual size is driven by the values on the raster
# passed in to the landscape argument
stopRule1 <- function(landscape) sum(landscape)>50
stopRuleA <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), 1, 0,
NULL, maxSize = 1e6, 8, 1e6, id = TRUE, circle = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule1)
stopRule2 <- function(landscape) sum(landscape)>100
# using stopRuleBehavior = "excludePixel"
stopRuleB <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), 1, 0,
NULL, maxSize = 1e6, 8, 1e6, id = TRUE, circle = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule2,
stopRuleBehavior = "excludePixel")
# using stopRuleBehavior = "includeRing", means that end result is slightly larger patches, as a
# complete "iteration" of the spread algorithm is used.
stopRuleB_NotExact <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), 1, 0,
NULL, maxSize = 1e6, 8, 1e6, id = TRUE, circle = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule2)
if (interactive()) {
Plot(stopRuleA, stopRuleB, stopRuleB_NotExact)
# Test that the stopRules work
# stopRuleA was not exact, so each value will "overshoot" the stopRule, here it was hab>50
foo <- cbind(vals=hab[stopRuleA], id = stopRuleA[stopRuleA>0]);
tapply(foo[,"vals"], foo[,"id"], sum) # Correct ... all are above 50
# stopRuleB was exact, so each value will be as close as possible while rule still is TRUE
# Because we have discrete cells, these numbers will always slightly under the rule
foo <- cbind(vals=hab[stopRuleB], id = stopRuleB[stopRuleB>0]);
tapply(foo[,"vals"], foo[,"id"], sum) # Correct ... all are above 50
# stopRuleB_notExact will overshoot
foo <- cbind(vals=hab[stopRuleB_NotExact], id = stopRuleB_NotExact[stopRuleB_NotExact > 0]);
tapply(foo[,"vals"], foo[,"id"], sum) # Correct ... all are above 50
# Cellular automata shapes
# Diamonds - can make them with: a boolean raster, directions = 4,
# stopRule in place, spreadProb = 1
diamonds <- spread(hab>0, spreadProb = 1, directions = 4,
id = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule2)
if (interactive()) {
# Squares - can make them with: a boolean raster, directions = 8,
# stopRule in place, spreadProb = 1
squares <- spread(hab>0, spreadProb = 1, directions = 8,
id = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule2)
if (interactive()) Plot(squares)
# Interference shapes - can make them with: a boolean raster, directions = 8,
# stopRule in place, spreadProb = 1
stopRule2 <- function(landscape) sum(landscape)>200
squashedDiamonds <- spread(hab>0, spreadProb = 1, loci = (ncell(hab)-ncol(hab))/2 + c(4, -4),
directions = 4, id = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule2)
if (interactive()) {
# Circles with spreadProb < 1 will give "more" circular shapes, but definitely not circles
stopRule2 <- function(landscape) sum(landscape)>200
seed <- sample(1e4,1)
circlish <- spread(hab>0, spreadProb = 0.23, loci = (ncell(hab)-ncol(hab))/2 + c(4, -4),
directions = 8, id = TRUE, circle = TRUE)#, stopRule = stopRule2)
regularCA <- spread(hab>0, spreadProb = 0.23, loci = (ncell(hab)-ncol(hab))/2 + c(4, -4),
directions = 8, id = TRUE)#, stopRule = stopRule2)
if (interactive()) {
Plot(circlish, regularCA)
# complex stopRule
initialLoci <- sample(seq_len(ncell(hab)), 2)#(ncell(hab)-ncol(hab))/2 + c(4, -4)
endSizes <- seq_along(initialLoci)*200
# Can be a function of landscape, id, and/or any other named
# variable passed into spread
stopRule3 <- function(landscape, id, endSizes) sum(landscape)>endSizes[id]
TwoCirclesDiffSize <- spread(hab, spreadProb = 1, loci = initialLoci, circle = TRUE,
directions = 8, id = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule3, endSizes = endSizes,
stopRuleBehavior = "excludePixel")
# or using named list of named elements:
#TwoCirclesDiffSize <- spread(hab, spreadProb = 1, loci = initialLoci, circle = TRUE,
# directions = 8, id = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule3,
# vars = list(endSizes = endSizes), stopRuleBehavior = "excludePixel")
if (interactive()) {
cirs <- getValues(TwoCirclesDiffSize)
vals <- tapply(hab[TwoCirclesDiffSize], cirs[cirs>0], sum)
# Stop if sum of landscape is big or mean of quality is too small
quality <- raster(hab)
quality[] <- runif(ncell(quality), 0, 1)
stopRule4 <- function(landscape, quality, cells) (sum(landscape)>20) | (mean(quality[cells])<0.3)
TwoCirclesDiffSize <- spread(hab, spreadProb = 1, loci = initialLoci, circle = TRUE,
directions = 8, id = TRUE, stopRule = stopRule4, quality = quality,
stopRuleBehavior = "excludePixel")
# allowOverlap
initialLoci <- as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10))
# using "landscape", "id", and a variable passed in
maxVal <- rep(500,length(initialLoci))
# define stopRule
stopRule2 <- function(landscape,id,maxVal) sum(landscape)>maxVal[id]
circs <- spread(hab, spreadProb = 1, circle = TRUE, loci = initialLoci, stopRule = stopRule2,
id = TRUE, allowOverlap = TRUE, stopRuleBehavior = "includeRing",
maxVal = maxVal, returnIndices = TRUE)
(vals <- tapply(hab[circs$indices], circs$id, sum))
vals<=maxVal # All TRUE
overlapEvents <- raster(hab)
overlapEvents[] <- 0
toMap <- circs[,sum(id),by=indices]
overlapEvents[toMap$indices] <- toMap$V1
if (interactive()) {
# }
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