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SparkR (version 3.1.2)

localCheckpoint: localCheckpoint


Returns a locally checkpointed version of this SparkDataFrame. Checkpointing can be used to truncate the logical plan, which is especially useful in iterative algorithms where the plan may grow exponentially. Local checkpoints are stored in the executors using the caching subsystem and therefore they are not reliable.


localCheckpoint(x, eager = TRUE)

# S4 method for SparkDataFrame localCheckpoint(x, eager = TRUE)



A SparkDataFrame


whether to locally checkpoint this SparkDataFrame immediately


a new locally checkpointed SparkDataFrame

See Also

Other SparkDataFrame functions: SparkDataFrame-class, agg(), alias(), arrange(), as.data.frame(), attach,SparkDataFrame-method, broadcast(), cache(), checkpoint(), coalesce(), collect(), colnames(), coltypes(), createOrReplaceTempView(), crossJoin(), cube(), dapplyCollect(), dapply(), describe(), dim(), distinct(), dropDuplicates(), dropna(), drop(), dtypes(), exceptAll(), except(), explain(), filter(), first(), gapplyCollect(), gapply(), getNumPartitions(), group_by(), head(), hint(), histogram(), insertInto(), intersectAll(), intersect(), isLocal(), isStreaming(), join(), limit(), merge(), mutate(), ncol(), nrow(), persist(), printSchema(), randomSplit(), rbind(), rename(), repartitionByRange(), repartition(), rollup(), sample(), saveAsTable(), schema(), selectExpr(), select(), showDF(), show(), storageLevel(), str(), subset(), summary(), take(), toJSON(), unionAll(), unionByName(), union(), unpersist(), withColumn(), withWatermark(), with(), write.df(), write.jdbc(), write.json(), write.orc(), write.parquet(), write.stream(), write.text()


Run this code
df <- localCheckpoint(df)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab