# The following examples only use two threads for parallel computing.
## 1D: regular locations
x_1D <- as.matrix(seq(-5, 5, length = 50))
Phi_1D <- exp(-x_1D^2) / norm(exp(-x_1D^2), "F")
Y_1D <- rnorm(n = 100, sd = 3) %*% t(Phi_1D) + matrix(rnorm(n = 100 * 50), 100, 50)
cv_1D <- spatpca(x = x_1D, Y = Y_1D, num_cores = 2)
plot(x_1D, cv_1D$eigenfn[, 1], type = "l", main = "1st eigenfunction")
lines(x_1D, svd(Y_1D)$v[, 1], col = "red")
legend("topleft", c("SpatPCA", "PCA"), lty = 1:1, col = 1:2)
# \donttest{
## 2D: Daily 8-hour ozone averages for sites in the Midwest (USA)
x <- ozone2$lon.lat
Y <- ozone2$y
date <- as.Date(ozone2$date, format = "%y%m%d")
rmna <- !colSums(is.na(Y))
YY <- matrix(Y[, rmna], nrow = nrow(Y))
YY <- detrend(YY, "linear")
xx <- x[rmna, ]
cv <- spatpca(x = xx, Y = YY)
quilt.plot(xx, cv$eigenfn[, 1])
map("state", xlim = range(xx[, 1]), ylim = range(xx[, 2]), add = TRUE)
map.text("state", xlim = range(xx[, 1]), ylim = range(xx[, 2]), cex = 2, add = TRUE)
plot(date, YY %*% cv$eigenfn[, 1], type = "l", ylab = "1st Principal Component")
### new loactions
new_p <- 200
x_lon <- seq(min(xx[, 1]), max(xx[, 1]), length = new_p)
x_lat <- seq(min(xx[, 2]), max(xx[, 2]), length = new_p)
xx_new <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x = x_lon, y = x_lat))
eof <- spatpca(x = xx,
Y = YY,
K = cv$selected_K,
tau1 = cv$selected_tau1,
tau2 = cv$selected_tau2)
predicted_eof <- predictEigenfunction(eof, xx_new)
nx = new_p,
ny = new_p,
xlab = "lon.",
ylab = "lat.")
map("state", xlim = range(x_lon), ylim = range(x_lat), add = TRUE)
map.text("state", xlim = range(x_lon), ylim = range(x_lat), cex = 2, add = TRUE)
## 3D: regular locations
p <- 10
x <- y <- z <- as.matrix(seq(-5, 5, length = p))
d <- expand.grid(x, y, z)
Phi_3D <- rowSums(exp(-d^2)) / norm(as.matrix(rowSums(exp(-d^2))), "F")
Y_3D <- rnorm(n = 100, sd = 3) %*% t(Phi_3D) + matrix(rnorm(n = 100 * p^3), 100, p^3)
cv_3D <- spatpca(x = d, Y = Y_3D, tau2 = seq(0, 1000, length = 10))
cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(p)
isosurf3D(x, y, z,
colvar = array(cv_3D$eigenfn[, 1], c(p, p, p)),
level= seq(min(cv_3D$eigenfn[, 1]), max(cv_3D$eigenfn[, 1]), length = p),
ticktype = "detailed",
colkey = list(side = 1),
col = cols)
# }
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