MCMC simulation to estimate prior and posterior quantities by sampling configurations.
MCMC_simulation(n_sim, pattern, theta_init, overlap, cluster_coords,
p_moves_orig, J, lkhd_z, lambda)
number of MCMC iterations
alternating pattern between unif and prop prior on single zones
initial configuration
output of create_geo_objects
: a list with two elements: 1. presence
which lists for each areas all the single zones it is present in and 2. cluster_list
for each single zone its component areas
output of create_geo_objects
: n.zones x 2
matrix of the centering and radial area of each single zone
probability of sampling each of the 5 possible moves to explore sample space
maximum number of clusters/anti-clusters to consider
values associated with each single zone to use in Metropolis-Hastings ratio
lambda from definition of prior on single zones
sampled configurations
trace of moves (1 = growth, 2 = trim, 3 = recenter, 4 = death, 5 = birth)
trace of acceptance (0 = not accepted)
trace of Metropolis-Hastings ratio
Wakefield J. and Kim A.Y. (2013) A Bayesian model for cluster detection. Biostatistics, 14, 752--765.