- X
A numeric matrix of size \(n \times k\) containing the design matrix of the data locations.
- y
A vector of length \(n\) containing the observed responses.
- coords
A numeric matrix of size \(n \times d\) containing the locations of the observed responses.
- sp.type
A character vector specifying the spatial covariance type. Valid types are currently exponential, gaussian, matern, and spherical.
- range.par
An initial guess for the spatial dependence parameter.
- error.ratio
A value non-negative value indicating the ratio error.var/sp.par[1]
- smoothness
A positive number indicating the smoothness of the matern covariance function, if applicable.
- D
The Euclidean distance matrix for the coords matrix. Must be of size \(n \times n\).
- reml
A boolean value indicating whether restricted maximum likelihood estimation should be used. Defaults to TRUE.
- lower
A vector giving lower bounds for the covariance parameters sp.par[2]
, error.ratio
, and smoothness
(when the model is matern). Order matters! If not given defaults to an upper bound of Inf for sp.par[2]
, 1 for error.ratio
, and 10 for smoothness
- upper
A vector giving upper bounds for the covariance parameters sp.par[2]
, error.ratio
, and smoothness
(when the model is matern). Order matters! If not given defaults to an upper bound of Inf for sp.par[2]
, 1 for error.ratio
, and 10 for smoothness
- control
A list giving tuning parameters for the nlminb
function. See nlminb
for more details.
- optimizer
A vector describing the optimization function to use for the optimization. Currently, only nlminb
is an acceptable value.