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SpatialVx (version 1.0-2)

FeatureProps: Single Feature Properties


Calculate properties for an identified feature.


FeatureProps(x, Im = NULL, which.props = c("centroid", "area", "axis", "intensity"),
    areafac = 1, q = c(0.25, 0.9), loc = NULL, ...)


list object with components depending on the which.props argument. One or more of:


list with components x and y giving the centroid of the object.


numeric giving the area of the feature.


list object of class FeatureAxis as returned by the same-named function.



object of class “owin” containing a binary image matrix defining the feature.


Matrix giving the original values of the field from which the feature was extracted. Only needed if the feature intensity is desired.


character vector giving one or more of “centroid”, “area”, “axis” and “intensity”. If “axis” is given, then a call to FeatureAxis is made.


numeric, in determining the lengths of the axes, they are multiplied by a factor of fac (e.g., if the grid points are k by k km each, then one could set this to k so that the resulting lengths are in terms of km rather than grid points.


numeric vector of values between 0 and 1 inclusive giving the quantiles for determining the intensity of the feature.


optional argument giving a two-column matrix of grid locations for finding the centroid. If NULL, indices based on the dimension of x are used.


additional arguments to FeatureAxis.


Eric Gilleland


This function takes an owin image and returns several property values for that image, including: centroid, spatial area, major and minor axis angle/length, as well as the overall intensity of the field (cf., Davis et al., 2006a, b).


Davis, C. A., Brown, B. G. and Bullock, R. G. (2006a) Object-based verification of precipitation forecasts, Part I: Methodology and application to mesoscale rain areas. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 1772--1784.

Davis, C. A., Brown, B. G. and Bullock, R. G. (2006b) Object-based verification of precipitation forecasts, Part II: Application to convective rain systems. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 1785--1795.

See Also

FeatureAxis, owin, convexhull, sma, as.psp, angles.psp, rotate.owin, rotate.psp, boundingbox, midpoints.psp, lengths_psp, infline, clip.infline, deltamm, FeatureFinder, disjointer, connected, tiles, tess, solutionset


Run this code
data( "ExampleSpatialVxSet" )

x <- ExampleSpatialVxSet$vx

look <- disk2dsmooth(x,5)
u <- quantile(look,0.99)
sIx <- matrix(0, 100, 100)
sIx[ look > u] <- 1
look2 <- disjointer(sIx)[[1]]
look2 <- flipxy(look2)

    which.props=c("centroid", "area", "axis"))

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