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SpatialVx (version 1.0-2)

hoods2dPlot: Quilt Plot and a Matrix Plot.


Function to make a quilt plot and a matrix plot for a matrix whose rows represent neighborhood lengths, and whose columns represent different threshold choices.


hoods2dPlot(x, args, matplotcol = 1:6, ...)


No value is returned. A plot is created.



l by q numeric matrix.


list object with components: threshold (numeric vector giving the threshold values), qs (optional numeric vector giving the quantiles used if the thresholds represent quantiles rather than hard values), levels (numeric giving the neighborhood lengths (in grid squares) used, units (optional character giving the units for the thresholds)


col argument to matplot.


optional arguments to image and image.plot functions. May not include xaxt, yaxt, lab, lab, col, or legend.only


Eric Gilleland


Used by plot.hoods2d, but can be useful for other functions. Generally, however, this is an internal function that should not be called by the user. However, it might be called instead of plot.hoods2d in order to make a subset of the available plots.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

matplot, image, image.plot, plot.hoods2d, hoods2d


Run this code
x <- y <- matrix( 0, 50, 50)
x[ sample(1:50,10), sample(1:50,10)] <- rexp( 100, 0.25)
y[ sample(1:50,20), sample(1:50,20)] <- rexp( 400)

hold <- make.SpatialVx(x, y, thresholds=c(0.1, 0.5), field.type="random")

look <- hoods2d(hold, which.methods=c("multi.event", "fss"),
    levels=c(1, 3, 20))

hoods2dPlot( look$multi.event$hk, args=hold,
    main="Hanssen Kuipers Score (Multi-Event Cont. Table)")
if (FALSE) {
data( "geom001" )
data( "geom000" )
data( "ICPg240Locs" )

hold <- make.SpatialVx( geom000, geom001, thresholds = c(0.01, 50.01),
    loc = ICPg240Locs, projection = TRUE, map = TRUE, loc.byrow = TRUE,
    field.type = "Precipitation", units = "mm/h",
    data.name = "Geometric ICP Test Cases", obs.name = "geom000",
    model.name = "geom001" )

look <- hoods2d(hold, levels=c(1, 3, 5, 17, 33, 65), verbose=TRUE)
hoods2dPlot(look$pragmatic$bss, args=attributes(hold))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab