Learn R Programming

SplitR (version 0.3)

dispersion_preset_get: Get requested preset information


This is a helper function that is used by the 'hysplit_dispersion' function. Arguments pertaining to the preset numbers for 'emissions', 'grids', and 'species' in the 'hysplit_dispersion' function are passed to the associated 'numbers' argument in three instances of the 'dispersion_preset_get' function. Each function call creates a block of text that is used for construction of a CONTROL file that is used in conjunction with the HYSPLIT dispersion model executable.


dispersion_preset_get(read, numbers, path_wd = "~/Documents/SplitR/Working/")



the type of preset to get. The three preset types are "emissions", "grids", and "species". Only a single type can be specified.


the values corresponding to the presets of a specified type (provided as the 'read' character argument) to be retrieved. The argument is to be provided as a single numeric value or numeric vector. The numbers correspond to the order in which the presets appear in each of the 'emissions', 'grids', or 'species' plaintext files.


a full path should be provided for the HYSPLIT working directory since presets will normally reside in this folder.


Run this code
# The hysplit_dispersion() function obtains presets for
# "emissions", "grids", and "species" while assembling
# a CONTROL file
dispersion_preset_get(read = "emissions", numbers = emissions)
dispersion_preset_get(read = "grids", numbers = grids)
dispersion_preset_get(read = "species", numbers = species)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab