This function downloads GDAS0.5 meteorology data files from the NOAA FTP server and saves them to a specified folder. Files can be downloaded either by specifying a list of filenames (in the form of "RP[YYYY][MM].gbl") or through bulk download of a year of files.
get_met_gdas0p5(files = NULL, years = NULL, months = NULL, days = NULL,
a vector list of exact filenames for the GDAS0.5 files.
a vector list of years for which GDAS0.5 files are to be obtained via FTP.
a vector list of months for which GDAS0.5 files are to be obtained via FTP.
a vector list of days for which GDAS0.5 files are to be obtained via FTP.
a full path should be provided for the location of the meteorological data files; downloaded files will be saved in this location.