The function executes a HYSPLIT forecast trajectory run using NAM forecast meteorological data (CONUS, 12 km, 3 hrly, pressure levels, 48 h).
hysplit_forecast_trajectory(start_lat_deg, start_long_deg, start_height_m_AGL,
simulation_duration_h = 12, backtrajectory = FALSE, met_type = "nam",
forecast_cycle = "latest", vertical_motion_option = 0,
top_of_model_domain_m = 20000, run_start, path_met_files, path_output_files,
path_wd, path_executable)
the starting latitude (in decimal degrees) for the model run(s)
the starting longitude (in decimal degrees) for the model run(s)
the starting height (in meters above ground level) for the model run(s)
the duration of each model run (either forward or backward) in hours
an option to select whether to conduct forward trajectory model runs or to generate backtrajectories
an option to select meteorological data files. The options are "gdas1" (Global Data Assimilation System 1-degree resolution data) and 'reanalysis' (NCAR/NCEP global reanalysis data).
a numbered option to select the method used to simulation vertical motion. The methods are: (0) input model data, (1) isobaric, (2) isentropic, (3) constant density, (4) isosigma, (5) from divergence, (6) remap MSL to AGL, (7) average data, and (8) damped magnitude.
a full path should be provided for the location of the meteorological data files relevant to the model options chosen. By default, the location '~/Documents/SplitR/Met' is chosen.
a full path should be provided for a location that the trajectory output files will be written. By default, the location '~/Documents/SplitR/Output' is chosen.
a full path should be provided for the HYSPLIT working directory; the CONTROL file for each model run will be written to and read from this location. By default, the location '~/Documents/SplitR/Working' is chosen.
the full path and name of the HYSPLIT executable file for trajectory runs must be provided. By default, the location '~/Documents/SplitR/Exec' is chosen.