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Stat2Data (version 2.0.0)

FantasyBaseball: Selection Times in a Fantasy Baseball Draft


Draft selection times for a fantasy baseball league



A data frame with 24 observations on the following 9 variables.

Round Round of the draft (1 to 24)
DJ Draft time (in seconds) for D.J.
AR Draft time (in seconds) for A.R.
BK Draft time (in seconds) for B.K.
JW Draft time (in seconds) for J.W.
TS Draft time (in seconds) for T.S.
RL Draft time (in seconds) for R.L.
DR Draft time (in seconds) for D.R.
MF Draft time (in seconds) for M.F.


Time (in seconds) for participants in a draft for a fantasy baseball league to make a selection at each round.