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An experiment to see if special exercises help babies learn to walk sooner
A dataset with 24 observations on the following 2 variables.
Group |
Treatments: exercise control , final report , special exercises , or weekly report |
Age |
Age (in months) when first walking |
Scientists wondered if they could get babies to walk sooner by prescribing a set of special exercises. Their experimental design included four groups of babies and the following treatments:
Special exercises: Parents were shown the special exercises and encouraged to use them with their children. They were phoned weekly to check on their child's progress.
Exercise control: These parents were not shown the special exercises, but they were told to make sure their babies spent at least 15 minutes a day exercising.
Weekly report: Parents in this group were not given instructions about exercise. Like the parents in the treatment group, however, they received a phone call each week to check on progress.
Final report: These parents were not given weekly phone calls or instructions about exercises. They reported at the end of the study.