The required graphical representation is drawn using the ggplot2 facilities.
A dataframe or matrix containing the variable of interest xlab.A and eventual associated survey weights w.A.
A dataframe or matrix containing the variable of interest xlab.B and eventual associated survey weights w.B.
Character string providing the name(s) of one or more variables in data.A whose (joint) distribution should be represented graphically and compared with that estimated from data.B.
Character string providing the name(s) of one or more variables in data.A whose (joint) distribution should be represented graphically and compared with that estimated from data.A. If xlab.B=NULL (default) then it assumed xlab.B=xlab.A.
Character string providing the name of the optional weighting variable in data.A that, in case, should be used to estimate the distribution of xlab.A
Character string providing the name of the optional weighting variable in data.B that, in case, should be used to estimate the distribution of xlab.B
This function compares graphically the (joint) distribution of the same variables but estimated from data coming from two different data sources. The graphical comparison is done using barcharts.