The rows of each file must start with the name of the curve or spline followed by the control points, all separated by tabs. The control points are listed first by dimension and then by point (x1\ty1\tx2\ty2
etc.). For example, three Bezier points starting with [100, 200] would be on one line as follows, with \t
replaced by tabs.
Each Bezier curve or spline is first grouped into a list by curve name (e.g. list$tomium_R
) and then by the index of the file from which it was read (e.g. list$tomium_R[[1]]
from the first file). The control points are made into a matrix where the number of columns corresponds to ndim
. The Bezier list structure is similar to the landmark list structure created by readLandmarksToList
and can be used to generate points along a Bezier curve or spline. See the R package bezier for more details.