These are the longitudinal PANSS data of five clinical trial in schizophrenia. A total of \(2151\) patients were treated by \(198\) investiagators (psychiatrists). There were two treatment conditions (risperidone and control). Patients' schizophrenic symptoms were measured using the PANSS at different time moments following start of the treatment. The variables Week1-Week8 express the change scores over time using the raw (semi-continuous) PANSS scores. The variables Week1_bin - Week8_bin are binary indicators of a \(20\)% or higher reduction in PANSS score versus baseline. The latter corresponds to a commonly accepted criterion for defining a clinically meaningful response (Kay et al., 1988).
A data.frame
with \(2151\) observations on \(6\) variables.
The patient ID.
The ID of the investigator (psychiatrist) who treated the patient.
The treatment indicator, coded as \(-1\) = placebo and \(1\) = Risperidone.
The change in the PANSS score \(1\) week after starting the treatment (= score at the start of the treatment - score at \(1\) week after starting the treatment).
The change in the PANSS score \(2\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The change in the PANSS score \(4\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The change in the PANSS score \(6\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The change in the PANSS score \(8\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The dichotomized change in the PANSS score \(1\) week after starting the treatment (\(1\)=a \(20\)% or higher reduction in PANSS score versus baseline, \(0\)=otherwise).
The dichotomized change in the PANSS score \(2\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The dichotomized change in the PANSS score \(4\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The dichotomized change in the PANSS score \(6\) weeks after starting the treatment.
The dichotomized change in the PANSS score \(8\) weeks after starting the treatment.
Kay, S.R., Opler, L.A., & Lindenmayer, J.P. (1988). Reliability and validity of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenics. Psychiatric Research, 23, 99-110.