# Load Ovarian data
# Recode the Ovarian data in the semi-competing risks format.
data_scr = data.frame(
ttp = Ovarian$Pfs,
os = Ovarian$Surv,
treat = Ovarian$Treat,
ttp_ind = ifelse(
Ovarian$Pfs == Ovarian$Surv &
Ovarian$SurvInd == 1,
os_ind = Ovarian$SurvInd
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data_scr,
copula_family = "clayton",
n_knots = 1)
# Define grid for GoF plots.
grid = seq(from = 1e-3,
to = 2.5,
length.out = 30)
# Assess marginal goodness-of-fit in the control group.
marginal_gof_scr_S_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
marginal_gof_scr_T_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
# Assess goodness-of-fit of the association structure, i.e., the copula.
prob_dying_without_progression_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
mean_S_before_T_plot_scr(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
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