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Surrogate (version 3.3.3)

ordinal_ordinal_loglik: Loglikelihood function for ordinal-ordinal copula model


ordinal_ordinal_loglik() computes the observed-data loglikelihood for a bivariate copula model with two ordinal endpoints. The model is based on a latent variable representation of the ordinal endpoints.


ordinal_ordinal_loglik(para, X, Y, copula_family, K_X, K_Y, return_sum = TRUE)


(numeric) loglikelihood value evaluated in para.



Parameter vector. The parameters are ordered as follows:

  • para[1:p1]: Cutpoints for the latent distribution of X corresponding to \(c_1^X, \dots, c_{K_X - 1}^X\) (see Details).

  • para[(p1 + 1):(p1 + p2)]: Cutpoints for the latent distribution of Y corresponding to \(c_1^Y, \dots, c_{K_Y - 1}^Y\) (see Details).

  • para[p1 + p2 + 1]: copula parameter


First variable (Ordinal with \(K_X\) categories)


Second variable (Ordinal with \(K_Y\) categories)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Number of categories in X.


Number of categories in Y.


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Vine Copula Model for Ordinal Endpoints

Following the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes framework, we assume that each patient has four potential outcomes, two for each arm, represented by \(\boldsymbol{Y} = (T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'\). Here, \(\boldsymbol{Y_z} = (S_z, T_z)'\) are the potential surrogate and true endpoints under treatment \(Z = z\).

The latent variable notation and D-vine copula model for \(\boldsymbol{Y}\) is a straightforward extension of the notation in ordinal_continuous_loglik().

Observed-Data Likelihood

In practice, we only observe \((S_0, T_0)'\) or \((S_1, T_1)'\). Hence, to estimate the (identifiable) parameters of the D-vine copula model, we need to derive the observed-data likelihood. The observed-data loglikelihood for \((S_z, T_z)'\) is as follows: $$ f_{\boldsymbol{Y_z}}(s, t; \boldsymbol{\beta}) = P \left( c^{S_z}_{s - 1} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t - 1} < \tilde{T}_z \right) - P \left( c^{S_z}_{s} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t - 1} < \tilde{T}_z \right) - P \left( c^{S_z}_{s - 1} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t} < \tilde{T}_z \right) + P \left( c^{S_z}_{s} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t} < \tilde{T}_z \right). $$ The above expression is used in ordinal_ordinal_loglik() to compute the loglikelihood for the observed values for \(Z = 0\) or \(Z = 1\).