Vansteelandt et al. (2006) formalized sensitivity analysis for partly
identifiable parameters in the context of missing data and MNAR. These
concepts can be applied to the estimation of the ICA. Indeed, the ICA is also
partly identifiable because 50% if the potential outcomes are missing.
Vansteelandt et al. (2006) replace a point estimate with a interval estimate:
the estimated interval of ignorance. In addition, they proposed several
extension of the classic confidence interval together with appropriate
definitions of coverage; these are termed intervals of uncertainty.
implements the estimated interval of
ignorance and the pointwise and strong intervals of uncertainty. Let \(\boldsymbol{\nu}_l\)
and \(\boldsymbol{\nu}_u\) be the values for the sensitivity parameter that
lead to the lowest and largest ICA, respectively, while fixing the identifiable
parameter at its estimated value \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\). See also
. The following intervals are implemented:
Estimated interval of ignorance. This interval is defined as
\([ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l), ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_u)]\).
Pointiwse interval of uncertainty. Let \(C_l\) (and \(C_u\)) be the
lower (and upper) limit of a one-sided \(1 - \alpha\) CI for
\(ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l)\) (and
\(ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l)\)). This interval is then
defined as \([C_l, C_u]\) when the ignorance is much larger than the
statistical imprecision.
Strong interval of uncertainty. Let \(C_l\) (and \(C_u\)) be the
lower (and upper) limit of a two-sided \(1 - \alpha\) CI for
\(ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l)\) (and
\(ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l)\)). This interval is then
defined as \([C_l, C_u]\).
The CIs, which are need for the intervals of uncertainty, are based on
percentile bootstrap confidence intervals, as documented in
. In addition, \(\boldsymbol{\nu}_l\) is not
known. Therefore, it is estimated as
$$\arg \min_{\boldsymbol{\nu} \in \Gamma} ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\nu}),$$
and similarly for \(\boldsymbol{\nu}_u\).