The twostep_BinCont()
function fits the copula (sub)model fir a continuous
surrogate and binary true endpoint with a two-step estimator. In the first
step, the marginal distribution parameters are estimated through maximum
likelihood. In the second step, the copula parameter is estimate while
holding the marginal distribution parameters fixed.
marginal_surrogate_estimator = NULL,
method = "BFGS"
A list with three elements:
ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik
that contains the estimated copula
marginal_S_dist: object of class fitdistrplus::fitdist
that represents the
marginal surrogate distribution.
copula_family: string that indicates the copula family
(numeric) Continuous surrogate variable
(integer) Binary true endpoint variable (\(T_k \, \in \, \{0, 1\}\))
Copula family, one of the following:
Marginal distribution for the surrogate. For all
available options, see ?Surrogate::cdf_fun
Not yet implemented
Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function.
For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik
. Defaults to "BFGRS"