if (FALSE) {
## --------------------------------------------------------------
## 1 censored-covariate and 2 non-censored covariates
## no censoring, to compare result with survival::survreg
## modify prop.cens to introduce left-censoring of covariate
## --------------------------------------------------------------
n <- 100
lambda <- exp(-2)
gamma <- 1.5
## vector of regression parameters: the last entry is the one for the censored covariate
beta <- c(0.3, -0.2, 0.25)
true <- c(lambda, gamma, beta)
## non-censored covariates
var1 <- rnorm(n, mean = 4, sd = 0.5)
var2 <- rnorm(n, mean = 4, sd = 0.5)
## Generate censored covariate.
## For generation of Weibull survival times, do not left-censor it yet.
var3 <- rnorm(n, mean = 5, sd = 0.5)
## simulate from a Weibull regression model
time <- TimeSampleWeibull(covariate_noncens = data.frame(var1, var2),
covariate_cens = var3, lambda = lambda, gamma = gamma, beta = beta)
## left-censor covariate
## prop.cens specifies the proportion of observations that should be left-censored
prop.cens <- 0
LOD <- qnorm(prop.cens, mean = 5, sd = 0.5)
var3.cens <- censorContVar(var3, LLOD = LOD)
## censor survival time
event <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
time.cens <- rexp(n, rate = 0.5)
ind.time <- (event >= time.cens)
event[ind.time] <- 0
time[ind.time] <- time.cens[ind.time]
## specify the density for the censored covariate:
## For simplicity, we take here the "true" density we simulate from. In an application,
## you might want to use a density with parameters estimated from the censored covariate,
## e.g. using the function ParamSampleCens. See example in Hubeaux & Rufibach (2014).
DensityCens <- function(value){return(dnorm(value, mean = 5, sd = 0.5))}
## use Weibull regression where each censored covariate value is set
## to LOD ("naive" method)
naive <- survreg(Surv(time, event) ~ var1 + var2 + var3.cens[, 2], dist = "weibull")
initial <- as.vector(ConvertWeibull(naive)$vars[, 1])
## use new method that takes into account the left-censoring of one covariate
data <- data.frame(time, event, var3.cens, var1, var2)
formula <- formula(Surv(time, event) ~ Surv(time = var3.cens[, 1], time2 = var3.cens[, 2],
type = "interval2") + var1 + var2)
cens1 <- SurvRegCens(formula = formula, data = data, Density = DensityCens, initial = initial,
namCens = "biomarker")
## compare estimates
tab <- data.frame(cbind(true, initial, cens1$coeff[, 1]))
colnames(tab) <- c("true", "naive", "Weibull MLE")
rownames(tab) <- rownames(cens1$coeff)
## compare confidence intervals
ConvertWeibull(naive)$HR[, 2:3]
cens1$coeff[, 7:8]
## --------------------------------------------------------------
## model without the non-censored covariates
## --------------------------------------------------------------
naive2 <- survreg(Surv(time, event) ~ var3.cens[, 2], dist = "weibull")
initial2 <- as.vector(ConvertWeibull(naive2)$vars[, 1])
## use new method that takes into account the left-censoring of one covariate
formula <- formula(Surv(time, event) ~ Surv(time = var3.cens[, 1], time2 = var3.cens[, 2],
type = "interval2"))
cens2 <- SurvRegCens(formula = formula, data = data, Density = DensityCens, initial = initial2,
namCens = "biomarker")
## compare estimates
tab <- data.frame(cbind(true[c(1, 2, 5)], initial2, cens2$coeff[, 1]))
colnames(tab) <- c("true", "naive", "Weibull MLE")
rownames(tab) <- rownames(cens2$coeff)
## compare confidence intervals
ConvertWeibull(naive2)$HR[, 2:3]
cens2$coeff[, 7:8]
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