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TAM (version 2.12-18)

tam.mml.3pl: 3PL Structured Item Response Model in TAM


This estimates a 3PL model with design matrices for item slopes and item intercepts. Discrete distributions of the latent variables are allowed which can be log-linearly smoothed.


tam.mml.3pl(resp, Y=NULL, group=NULL, formulaY=NULL, dataY=NULL, ndim=1,
  pid=NULL, xsi.fixed=NULL, xsi.inits=NULL, xsi.prior=NULL,
  beta.fixed=NULL, beta.inits=NULL, variance.fixed=NULL, variance.inits=NULL,
  est.variance=TRUE, A=NULL, notA=FALSE, Q=NULL, Q.fixed=NULL, E=NULL,
  gammaslope.des="2PL", gammaslope=NULL, gammaslope.fixed=NULL,
  est.some.slopes=TRUE, gammaslope.constr.V=NULL, gammaslope.constr.c=NULL,
  gammaslope.center.index=NULL,  gammaslope.center.value=NULL,
  gammaslope.prior=NULL, userfct.gammaslope=NULL, gammaslope.constr.Npars=0,
  est.guess=NULL, guess=rep(0, ncol(resp)),
  guess.prior=NULL, max.guess=0.5, skillspace="normal", theta.k=NULL,
  delta.designmatrix=NULL, delta.fixed=NULL, delta.inits=NULL, pweights=NULL,
  item.elim=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, control=list(), Edes=NULL )

# S3 method for tam.mml.3pl summary(object,file=NULL,…)

# S3 method for tam.mml.3pl print(x,…)



Data frame with polytomous item responses \(k=0,...,K\). Missing responses must be declared as NA.


A matrix of covariates in latent regression. Note that the intercept is automatically included as the first predictor.


An optional vector of group identifiers


An R formula for latent regression. Transformations of predictors in \(Y\) (included in dataY) can be easily specified, e. g. female*race or I(age^2).


An optional data frame with possible covariates \(Y\) in latent regression. This data frame will be used if an R formula in formulaY is specified.


Number of dimensions (is not needed to determined by the user)


An optional vector of person identifiers


A matrix with two columns for fixing \(\xi\) parameters. 1st column: index of \(\xi\) parameter, 2nd column: fixed value


A matrix with two columns (in the same way defined as in xsi.fixed with initial value for \(\xi\).


Item-specific prior distribution for \(\xi\) parameters. It is assumed that \(\xi_k \sim N( \mu_k, \sigma_k^2 )\). The first column in xsi.prior is \(\mu_k\), the second is \(\sigma_k\).


A matrix with three columns for fixing regression coefficients. 1st column: Index of \(Y\) value, 2nd column: dimension, 3rd column: fixed \(\beta\) value. If no constraints should be imposed on \(\beta\), then set beta.fixed=FALSE (see Example 2, Model 2_4).


A matrix (same format as in beta.fixed) with initial \(\beta\) values


An optional matrix. In case of a single group it is a matrix with three columns for fixing entries in covariance matrix: 1st column: dimension 1, 2nd column: dimension 2, 3rd column: fixed value of covariance/variance. In case of multiple groups, it is a matrix with four columns 1st column: group index (from \(1,\ldots,G\), 2nd column: dimension 1, 3rd column: dimension 2, 4th column: fixed value of covariance


Initial covariance matrix in estimation. All matrix entries have to be specified and this matrix is NOT in the same format like variance.fixed.


Should the covariance matrix be estimated? This argument applies to estimated item slopes in tam.mml.2pl. The default is FALSE which means that latent variables (in the first group) are standardized in 2PL estimation.


An optional array of dimension \( I \times (K+1) \times N_\xi\). Only \(\xi\) parameters are estimated, entries in \(A\) only correspond to the design.


An optional logical indicating whether all entries in the \(A\) matrix are set to zero and no item intercept \(\xi\) should be estimated.


An optional \(I \times D\) matrix (the Q-matrix) which specifies the loading structure of items on dimensions.


Optional \(I \times D\) matrix of the same dimensions like Q. Non NA entries contain values at which item loadings should be fixed to.


Optional design array for item slopes \(\gamma\). It is a four dimensional array of size \(I \times (K+1) \times D \times N_\gamma\) containing items, categories, dimensions, \(\gamma\) parameter.


Optional string indicating type of item slope parameter to be estimated. gammaslope.des="2PL" estimates a slope parameter for an item, gammaslope.des="2PLcat" for an item and a


Initial or fixed vector of \(\gamma\) parameters


An optional matrix containing fixed values in the \(\gamma\) vector. First column: parameter index; second colunmn: fixed value.


An optional logical indicating whether some item slopes should be estimated.


An optional constraint matrix \(V\) for item slope parameters \(\gamma\)


An optional constraint vector \(c\) for item slope parameters \(\gamma\)


Indices of gammaslope parameters which should be fixed to sum specified in gammaslope.center.value (see Example 7).


Specified values of sum of subset of gammaslope parameters.


Item-specific prior distribution for \(\gamma\) parameters. It is assumed that \(\gamma_k \sim N( \mu_k, \sigma_k^2 )\). The first column in gammaslope.prior is \(\mu_k\), the second is \(\sigma_k\).


A user specified function for constraints or transformations of the \(\gamma\) parameters within the algorithm. See Example 17 in tam.mml.


Number of constrained \(\gamma\) parameters in userfct.gammaslope


An optional vector of integers indicating for which items a guessing parameter should be estimated. Same integers correspond to same estimated guessing parameters. A value of 0 denotes an item for which no guessing parameter is estimated.


Fixed or initial guessing parameters


Item-specific prior distribution for guessing parameters \(c_i\). It is assumed that \(c_i \sim N( a_i, b_i)\). The first column in gammaslope.prior is \(a_i\), the second is \(b_i\).


Upper bound for guessing parameters


Skill space: normal distribution ("normal") or discrete distribution ("discrete").


A matrix of the \(\bold{\theta}\) skill space in case of a discrete distribution (skillspace="discrete").


A design matrix of the log-linear model for the skill space in case of a discrete distribution (skillspace="discrete").


Fixed \(\delta\) values of the log-linear skill space. delta.fixed must be a matrix with three columns. First column: \(\delta\) parameter index, Second column: Group index, Third column: Fixed \(\delta\) parameter value.


Optional initial matrix of \(\delta\) parameters.


Optional vector of person weights.


Optional logical indicating whether an item with has only zero entries should be removed from the analysis. The default is TRUE.


Logical indicating whether output should be printed during iterations. This argument replaces control$progress.


See tam.mml for more details.


Compact form of design matrix. This argument is only defined for convenience for models with random starting values to avoid recalculations.


Object of class tam.mml.3pl


A file name in which the summary output will be written


Object of class tam.mml.3pl

Further arguments to be passed


The same output as in tam.mml and additional entries


Parameter vector \(\delta\)


Estimated \(\gamma\) item slope parameters


Standard errors \(\gamma\) item slope parameters


Used design matrix \(E\)


Used design matrix \(E\) in compact form


Estimated \(c\) guessing parameters


Standard errors \(c\) guessing parameters


The item response model for item \(i\) and category \(h\) and no guessing parameters can be written as $$ P( X_{i}=h | \bold{\theta} ) \propto \exp( \sum_d b_{ihd} \theta_d + \sum_k a_{ih} \xi_k ) $$ For item slopes, a linear decomposition is allowed $$ b_{ihd}=\sum_k e_{ihdk} \gamma_k $$ In case of a guessing parameter, the item response function is $$ P( X_{i}=h | \bold{\theta} )=c_i + ( 1 - c_i ) \cdot ( 1 + \exp( - \sum_d b_{ihd} \theta_d - \sum_k a_{ih} \xi_k ) )^{-1} $$ For possibilities of definitions of the design matrix \(E=(e_{ihdk})\) see Formann (2007), for the strongly related linear logistic latent class model see Formann (1992). Linear constraints on \(\gamma\) can be specified by equations \(V \gamma=c\) and using the arguments gammaslope.constr.V and gammaslope.constr.c.

Like in tam.mml, a multivariate linear regression $$ \bold{\theta}=Y \beta + \bold{\epsilon}$$ assuming a multivariate normal distribution on the residuals \(\bold{\epsilon}\) can be specified (skillspace="normal").

Alternatively, a log-linear distribution of the skill classes \(P(\theta)\) (skillspace="discrete") is performed $$\log P(\theta )=D_{ \delta } \delta $$ See Xu and von Davier (2008). The design matrix \(D_{\delta}\) can be specified in delta.designmatrix. The theta grid \(\bold{\theta}\) of the skill space can be defined in theta.k.


Formann, A. K. (1992). Linear logistic latent class analysis for polytomous data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 476-486.

Formann, A. K. (2007). (Almost) Equivalence between conditional and mixture maximum likelihood estimates for some models of the Rasch type. In M. von Davier & C. H. Carstensen (Eds.), Multivariate and mixture distribution Rasch models (pp. 177-189). New York: Springer.

Xu, X., & von Davier, M. (2008). Fitting the structured general diagnostic model to NAEP data. ETS Research Report ETS RR-08-27. Princeton, ETS.

See Also

See also tam.mml.

See the CDM::slca function in the CDM package for a similar method.

logLik.tam, anova.tam


Run this code
# EXAMPLE 1: Dichotomous data | data.sim.rasch

dat <- data.sim.rasch
# some control arguments
ctl.list <- list(maxiter=100) # increase the number of iterations in applications!

#*** Model 1: Rasch model, normal trait distribution
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="normal", est.some.slopes=FALSE,

#*** Model 2: Rasch model, discrete trait distribution
#  choose theta grid
theta.k <- seq( -3, 3, len=7 )    # discrete theta grid distribution
# define symmetric trait distribution
delta.designmatrix <- matrix( 0, nrow=7, ncol=4 )
delta.designmatrix[4,1] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[c(3,5),2] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[c(2,6),3] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[c(1,7),4] <- 1
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="discrete", est.some.slopes=FALSE,
           theta.k=theta.k, delta.designmatrix=delta.designmatrix, control=ctl.list)

#*** Model 3: 2PL model
mod3 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="normal", gammaslope.des="2PL",
       control=ctl.list, est.variance=FALSE )

#*** Model 4: 3PL model
# estimate guessing parameters for items 3,7,9 and 12
I <- ncol(dat)
est.guess <- rep(0, I )
# set parameters 9 and 12 equal -> same integers
est.guess[ c(3,7,9,12) ] <- c( 1, 3, 2, 2 )
# starting values guessing parameter
guess <- .2*(est.guess > 0)
# estimate model
mod4 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="normal", gammaslope.des="2PL",
        control=ctl.list, est.guess=est.guess, guess=guess, est.variance=FALSE)

#--- specification in tamaan
tammodel <- "
  F1=~ I1__I40
  F1 ~~ 1*F1
  I3 + I7 ?=g1
  I9 + I12 ?=g912 * g1
mod4a <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=dat, control=list(maxiter=20))

#*** Model 5: 3PL model, add some prior Beta distribution
guess.prior <- matrix( 0, nrow=I, ncol=2 )
guess.prior[ est.guess  > 0, 1] <- 5
guess.prior[ est.guess  > 0, 2] <- 17
mod5 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="normal", gammaslope.des="2PL",
        control=ctl.list, est.guess=est.guess, guess=guess, guess.prior=guess.prior)

#--- specification in tamaan
tammodel <- "
  F1=~ I1__I40
  F1 ~~ 1*F1
  I3 + I7 ?=g1
  I9 + I12 ?=g912 * g1
  g912 ~ Beta(5,17)
  I3_guess ~ Beta(5,17)
  I7_guess ~ Beta(5,17)
mod5a <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=dat, control=list(maxiter=20))

#*** Model 6: 2PL model with design matrix for item slopes
I <- 40         # number of items
D <- 1       # dimensions
maxK <- 2    # maximum number of categories
Ngam <- 13   # number of different slope parameters
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I,maxK,D,Ngam) )
# joint slope parameters for items 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30
E[ 1:10, 2, 1, 2 ] <- 1
E[ 11:20, 2, 1, 1 ] <- 1
E[ 21:30, 2, 1, 3 ] <- 1
for (ii in 31:40){   E[ii,2,1,ii - 27 ] <- 1 }
# estimate model
mod6 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, control=ctl.list,   E=E, est.variance=FALSE  )

#*** Model 6b: Truncated normal prior distribution for slope parameters
gammaslope.prior <- matrix( 0, nrow=Ngam, ncol=4 )
gammaslope.prior[,1] <- 2  # mean
gammaslope.prior[,2] <- 10  # standard deviation
gammaslope.prior[,3] <- -Inf # lower bound
gammaslope.prior[ 4:13,3] <- 1.2
gammaslope.prior[,4] <- Inf  # upper bound
# estimate model
mod6b <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, est.variance=FALSE,
                gammaslope.prior=gammaslope.prior, control=ctl.list )

#*** Model 7: 2PL model with design matrix of slopes and slope constraints
Ngam <- dim(E)[4]   # number of gamma parameters
# define two constraint equations
gammaslope.constr.V <- matrix( 0, nrow=Ngam, ncol=2 )
gammaslope.constr.c <- rep(0,2)
# set sum of first two xlambda entries to 1.8
gammaslope.constr.V[1:2,1] <- 1
gammaslope.constr.c[1] <- 1.8
# set sum of entries 4, 5 and 6 to 3
gammaslope.constr.V[4:6,2] <- 1
gammaslope.constr.c[2] <- 3
mod7 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, control=ctl.list,  E=E,  est.variance=FALSE,
   gammaslope.constr.V=gammaslope.constr.V, gammaslope.constr.c=gammaslope.constr.c)

#**** Model 8: Located latent class Rasch model with estimated three skill points

# three classes of theta's are estimated
TP <- 3
theta.k <- diag(TP)
# because item difficulties are unrestricted, we define the sum of the estimated
# theta points equal to zero
Ngam <- TP  # estimate three gamma loading parameters which are discrete theta points
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I,2,TP,Ngam) )
E[,2,1,1] <- E[,2,2,2] <- E[,2,3,3] <- 1
gammaslope.constr.V <- matrix( 1, nrow=3, ncol=1 )
gammaslope.constr.c <- c(0)
# initial gamma values
gammaslope <- c( -2, 0, 2 )
# estimate model
mod8 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, control=ctl.list,  E=E,  skillspace="discrete",
     theta.k=theta.k, gammaslope=gammaslope, gammaslope.constr.V=gammaslope.constr.V,
     gammaslope.constr.c=gammaslope.constr.c )

#*** Model 9: Multidimensional multiple group model
N <- nrow(dat)
I <- ncol(dat)
group <- c( rep(1,N/4), rep(2,N/4), rep(3,N/2) )
Q <- matrix(0,nrow=I,ncol=2)
Q[ 1:(I/2), 1] <- Q[ seq(I/2+1,I), 2] <- 1
# estimate model
mod9 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="normal", est.some.slopes=FALSE,
               group=group, Q=Q)

# EXAMPLE 2: Polytomous data

data( data.mg, package="CDM")
dat <- data.mg[1:1000, paste0("I",1:11)]

#*** Model 1: 1-dimensional 1PL estimation, normal skill distribution
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="normal",
           gammaslope.des="2PL", est.some.slopes=FALSE,  est.variance=TRUE  )

#*** Model 2: 1-dimensional 2PL estimation, discrete skill distribution
# define skill space
theta.k <- matrix( seq(-5,5,len=21) )
# allow skew skill distribution
delta.designmatrix <- cbind( 1, theta.k, theta.k^2, theta.k^3 )
# fix 13th xsi item parameter to zero
xsi.fixed <- cbind( 13, 0 )
# fix 10th slope paremeter to one
gammaslope.fixed <- cbind( 10, 1 )
# estimate model
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, skillspace="discrete", theta.k=theta.k,
          delta.designmatrix=delta.designmatrix, gammaslope.des="2PL", xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed,

#*** Model 3: 2-dimensional 2PL estimation, normal skill distribution

# define loading matrix
Q <- matrix(0,11,2)
Q[1:6,1] <- 1   # items 1 to 6 load on dimension 1
Q[7:11,2] <- 1  # items 7 to 11 load on dimension 2
# estimate model
mod3 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, gammaslope.des="2PL", Q=Q )

# EXAMPLE 3: Dichotomous data with guessing

#*** simulate data
N <- 4000   # number of persons
I <- 20     # number of items
b <- seq( -1.5, 1.5, len=I )
guess <- rep(0, I )
guess.items <- c(6,11,16)
guess[ guess.items ] <- .33
dat <- sirt::sim.raschtype( stats::rnorm(N), b=b, fixed.c=guess )

#*** Model 1: Difficulty + guessing model, i.e. fix slopes to 1
est.guess <- rep(0,I)
est.guess[ guess.items ] <- seq(1, length(guess.items) )
# define prior distribution
guess.prior <- matrix( cbind( 5, 17 ), I, 2, byrow=TRUE )
guess.prior[ ! est.guess, ] <- 0
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, guess=guess, est.guess=est.guess,
           guess.prior=guess.prior, control=ctl.list,est.variance=TRUE,
           est.some.slopes=FALSE )

#*** Model 2: estimate a joint guessing parameter
est.guess <- rep(0,I)
est.guess[ guess.items ] <- 1
# estimate model
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, guess=guess, est.guess=est.guess,
            guess.prior=guess.prior, control=ctl.list,est.variance=TRUE,
            est.some.slopes=FALSE )

# EXAMPLE 4: Latent class model with two classes
#      See slca Simulated Example 2 in the CDM package

#*** simulate data
I <- 7  # number of items
# simulate response probabilities
a1 <- round( stats::runif(I,0, .4 ),4)
a2 <- round( stats::runif(I, .6, 1 ),4)
N <- 1000   # sample size
# simulate data in two classes of proportions .3 and .7
N1 <- round(.3*N)
dat1 <- 1 * ( matrix(a1,N1,I,byrow=TRUE) > matrix( stats::runif( N1 * I), N1, I ) )
N2 <- round(.7*N)
dat2 <- 1 * ( matrix(a2,N2,I,byrow=TRUE) > matrix( stats::runif( N2 * I), N2, I ) )
dat <- rbind( dat1, dat2 )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("I", 1:I)

# estimation using tam.mml.3pl function

# define design matrices
TP <- 2     # two classes
theta.k <- diag(TP)     # there are theta dimensions -> two classes
# The idea is that latent classes refer to two different "dimensions".
# Items load on latent class indicators 1 and 2, see below.
E <- array(0, dim=c(I,2,2,2*I) )
items <- colnames(dat)
dimnames(E)[[4]] <- c(paste0( colnames(dat), "Class", 1),
          paste0( colnames(dat), "Class", 2) )
# items, categories, classes, parameters
# probabilities for correct solution
for (ii in 1:I){
    E[ ii, 2, 1, ii ] <- 1    # probabilities class 1
    E[ ii, 2, 2, ii+I ] <- 1  # probabilities class 2

# estimation command
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, control=list(maxit=20), skillspace="discrete",
          theta.k=theta.k, notA=TRUE)
# compare simulated and estimated data
cbind( mod1$rprobs[,2,1], a2 )  # Simulated class 2
cbind( mod1$rprobs[,2,2], a1 )  # Simulated class 1

#** specification with tamaan
tammodel <- "
  NCLASSES(2);   # 2 classes
  NSTARTS(5,20); # 5 random starts with 20 iterations
  F=~ I1__I7
mod1b <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=dat )
# compare with mod1

# EXAMPLE 5: Located latent class model, Rasch model
#      See slca Simulated Example 4 in the CDM package

#*** simulate data
I <- 15  # I items
b1 <- seq( -2, 2, len=I)      # item difficulties
N <- 2000    # number of persons
# simulate 4 theta classes
theta0 <- c( -2.5, -1, 0.3, 1.3 )  # skill classes
probs0 <- c( .1, .4, .2, .3 )      # skill class probabilities
TP <- length(theta0)
theta <- theta0[ rep(1:TP, round(probs0*N)  ) ]
dat <- sirt::sim.raschtype( theta, b1 )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("I",1:I)

#*** Model 1: Located latent class model with 4 classes
maxK <- 2
Ngam <- TP
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I, maxK, TP,  Ngam ) )
dimnames(E)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)
dimnames(E)[[2]] <- paste0("Cat", 1:(maxK) )
dimnames(E)[[3]] <- paste0("Class", 1:TP)
dimnames(E)[[4]] <- paste0("theta", 1:TP)
# theta design
for (tt in 1:TP){   E[1:I, 2, tt,  tt] <- 1       }
theta.k <- diag(TP)
# set eighth item difficulty to zero
xsi.fixed <- cbind( 8, 0 )
# initial gamma parameter
gammaslope <- seq( -1.5, 1.5, len=TP)
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed,
           control=list(maxiter=100), skillspace="discrete",
           theta.k=theta.k, gammaslope=gammaslope)
# compare estimated and simulated theta class locations
cbind( mod1$gammaslope, theta0 )
# compare estimated and simulated latent class proportions
cbind( mod1$pi.k, probs0 )

#----- specification using tamaan
tammodel <- "
  F=~ I1__I15
  I8 | 0*t1
mod1b <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=dat )

# EXAMPLE 6: DINA model with two skills
#      See slca Simulated Example 5 in the CDM package

#*** simulate data
N <- 3000   # number of persons
# define Q-matrix
I <- 9  # 9 items
NS <- 2 # 2 skills
TP <- 4 # number of skill classes
Q <- scan(nlines=3, text=
  "1 0   1 0   1 0
   0 1   0 1   0 1
   1 1   1 1   1 1",
Q <- matrix(Q, I, ncol=NS, byrow=TRUE)
# define skill distribution
alpha0 <- matrix( c(0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1), nrow=4,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
prob0 <- c( .2, .4, .1, .3 )
alpha <- alpha0[ rep( 1:TP, prob0*N),]
# define guessing and slipping parameters
guess <- round( stats::runif(I, 0, .4 ), 2 )
slip <- round( stats::runif(I, 0, .3 ), 2 )
# simulate data according to the DINA model
dat <- CDM::sim.din( q.matrix=Q, alpha=alpha, slip=slip, guess=guess )$dat

#*** Model 1: Estimate DINA model
# define E matrix which contains the anti-slipping parameters
maxK <- 2
Ngam <- I
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I, maxK, TP,  Ngam ) )
dimnames(E)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)
dimnames(E)[[2]] <- paste0("Cat", 1:(maxK) )
dimnames(E)[[3]] <- c("S00","S10","S01","S11")
dimnames(E)[[4]] <- paste0( "antislip", 1:I )
# define anti-slipping parameters in E
for (ii in 1:I){
        # define latent responses
        latresp <- 1*( alpha0 %*% Q[ii,]==sum(Q[ii,]) )[,1]
        # model slipping parameters
        E[ii, 2, latresp==1, ii ] <- 1
# skill space definition
theta.k <- diag(TP)
gammaslope <- rep( qlogis( .8 ), I )

# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, control=list(maxiter=100), skillspace="discrete",
          theta.k=theta.k, gammaslope=gammaslope)
# compare estimated and simulated latent class proportions
cbind( mod1$pi.k, probs0 )
# compare estimated and simulated guessing parameters
cbind( mod1$rprobs[,2,1], guess )
# compare estimated and simulated slipping parameters
cbind( 1 - mod1$rprobs[,2,4], slip )

# EXAMPLE 7: Mixed Rasch model with two classes
#      See slca Simulated Example 3 in the CDM package

#*** simulate data
# simulate two latent classes of Rasch populations
I <- 15  # 6 items
b1 <- seq( -1.5, 1.5, len=I)      # difficulties latent class 1
b2 <- b1    # difficulties latent class 2
b2[ c(4,7, 9, 11, 12, 13) ] <- c(1, -.5, -.5, .33, .33, -.66 )
b2 <- b2 - mean(b2)
N <- 3000    # number of persons
wgt <- .25       # class probability for class 1
# class 1
dat1 <- sirt::sim.raschtype( stats::rnorm( wgt*N ), - b1 )
# class 2
dat2 <- sirt::sim.raschtype( stats::rnorm( (1-wgt)*N, mean=1, sd=1.7), - b2 )
dat <- rbind( dat1, dat2 )

# The idea is that each grid point class x theta is defined as new
# dimension. If we approximate the trait distribution by 7 theta points
# and are interested in estimating 2 latent classes, then we need
# 7*2=14 dimensions.

#*** Model 1: Rasch model
# theta grid
theta.k1 <- seq( -5, 5, len=7 )
TT <- length(theta.k1)
#-- define theta design matrix
theta.k <- diag(TT)
#-- delta designmatrix
delta.designmatrix <- matrix( 0, TT, ncol=3 )
delta.designmatrix[, 1] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[, 2:3] <- cbind( theta.k1, theta.k1^2 )

#-- define loading matrix E
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I,2,TT,I + 1) )  # last parameter is constant 1
for (ii in 1:I){
    E[ ii, 2, 1:TT, ii ] <- -1   # '-b' in '1*theta - b'
    E[ ii, 2, 1:TT, I+1] <- theta.k1  # '1*theta' in '1*theta - b'
# initial gammaslope parameters
par1 <- stats::qlogis( colMeans( dat ) )
gammaslope <- c( par1, 1 )
# sum constraint of zero on item difficulties
gammaslope.constr.V <- matrix( 0, I+1, 1 )
gammaslope.constr.V[ 1:I, 1] <- 1  # Class 1
gammaslope.constr.c <- c(0)
# fixed gammaslope parameter
gammaslope.fixed <- cbind( I+1, 1 )
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat1, E=E, skillspace="discrete",
           theta.k=theta.k, delta.designmatrix=delta.designmatrix,
           gammaslope=gammaslope, gammaslope.constr.V=gammaslope.constr.V,
           gammaslope.constr.c=gammaslope.constr.c, gammaslope.fixed=gammaslope.fixed,
           notA=TRUE, est.variance=FALSE)

#*** Model 2: Mixed Rasch model with two latent classes
# theta grid
theta.k1 <- seq( -4, 4, len=7 )
TT <- length(theta.k1)
#-- define theta design matrix
theta.k <- diag(2*TT)   # 2*7=14 classes
#-- delta designmatrix
delta.designmatrix <- matrix( 0, 2*TT, ncol=6 )
# Class 1
delta.designmatrix[1:TT, 1] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[1:TT, 2:3] <- cbind( theta.k1, theta.k1^2 )
# Class 2
delta.designmatrix[TT+1:TT, 4] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[TT+1:TT, 5:6] <- cbind( theta.k1, theta.k1^2 )

#-- define loading matrix E
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I,2,2*TT,2*I + 1) )  # last parameter is constant 1
dimnames(E)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)
dimnames(E)[[2]] <- c("Cat0","Cat1")
dimnames(E)[[3]] <- c( paste0("Class1_theta", 1:TT), paste0("Class2_theta", 1:TT) )
dimnames(E)[[4]] <- c( paste0("b_Class1_", colnames(dat)),
       paste0("b_Class2_", colnames(dat)), "One")
for (ii in 1:I){
  # Class 1 item parameters
    E[ ii, 2, 1:TT, ii ] <- -1   # '-b' in '1*theta - b'
    E[ ii, 2, 1:TT, 2*I+1] <- theta.k1  # '1*theta' in '1*theta - b'
  # Class 2 item parameters
    E[ ii, 2, TT + 1:TT, I + ii ] <- -1
    E[ ii, 2, TT + 1:TT, 2*I+1] <- theta.k1
# initial gammaslope parameters
par1 <- qlogis( colMeans( dat ) )
gammaslope <- c( par1, par1 + stats::runif(I, -2,2 ), 1 )
# sum constraint of zero on item difficulties within a class
gammaslope.center.index <- c( rep( 1, I ), rep(2,I), 0 )
gammaslope.center.value <- c(0,0)

# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, skillspace="discrete",
            theta.k=theta.k, delta.designmatrix=delta.designmatrix,
            gammaslope=gammaslope, gammaslope.center.index=gammaslope.center.index,
            gammaslope.center.value=gammaslope.center.value, gammaslope.fixed=gammaslope.fixed,
# latent class proportions
stats::aggregate( mod1$pi.k, list( rep(1:2, each=TT)), sum )
# compare simulated and estimated item parameters
cbind( b1, b2, - mod1$gammaslope[1:I], - mod1$gammaslope[I + 1:I ] )

#--- specification in tamaan
tammodel <- "
  F=~ I0001__I0015
mod1b <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=dat )

# EXAMPLE 8: 2PL mixture distribution model

#*** simulate data
# simulate two latent classes of Rasch populations
I <- 20
b1 <- seq( -1.5, 1.5, len=I)      # difficulties latent class 1
b2 <- b1    # difficulties latent class 2
b2[ c(4,7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18) ] <- c(1, -.5, -.5, .33, .33, -.66, -1, .3)
# b2 <- scale( b2, scale=FALSE)
b2 <- b2 - mean(b2)
N <- 4000       # number of persons
wgt <- .75       # class probability for class 1
# item slopes
a1 <- rep( 1, I )  # first class
a2 <- rep( c(.5,1.5), I/2 )

# class 1
dat1 <- sirt::sim.raschtype( stats::rnorm( wgt*N ), - b1, fixed.a=a1)
# class 2
dat2 <- sirt::sim.raschtype( stats::rnorm( (1-wgt)*N, mean=1, sd=1.4), - b2, fixed.a=a2)
dat <- rbind( dat1, dat2 )

#*** Model 1: Mixed 2PL model with two latent classes

theta.k1 <- seq( -4, 4, len=7 )
TT <- length(theta.k1)
#-- define theta design matrix
theta.k <- diag(2*TT)   # 2*7=14 classes
#-- delta designmatrix
delta.designmatrix <- matrix( 0, 2*TT, ncol=6 )
# Class 1
delta.designmatrix[1:TT, 1] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[1:TT, 2:3] <- cbind( theta.k1, theta.k1^2 )
# Class 2
delta.designmatrix[TT+1:TT, 4] <- 1
delta.designmatrix[TT+1:TT, 5:6] <- cbind( theta.k1, theta.k1^2 )

#-- define loading matrix E
E <- array( 0, dim=c(I,2,2*TT,4*I ) )
dimnames(E)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)
dimnames(E)[[2]] <- c("Cat0","Cat1")
dimnames(E)[[3]] <- c( paste0("Class1_theta", 1:TT), paste0("Class2_theta", 1:TT) )
dimnames(E)[[4]] <- c( paste0("b_Class1_", colnames(dat)),
                       paste0("a_Class1_", colnames(dat)),
                       paste0("b_Class2_", colnames(dat)),
                       paste0("a_Class2_", colnames(dat)) )

for (ii in 1:I){
  # Class 1 item parameters
    E[ ii, 2, 1:TT, ii ] <- -1           # '-b' in 'a*theta - b'
    E[ ii, 2, 1:TT, I + ii] <- theta.k1  # 'a*theta' in 'a*theta - b'
  # Class 2 item parameters
    E[ ii, 2, TT + 1:TT, 2*I + ii ] <- -1
    E[ ii, 2, TT + 1:TT, 3*I + ii ] <- theta.k1

# initial gammaslope parameters
par1 <- scale( - stats::qlogis( colMeans( dat ) ), scale=FALSE )
gammaslope <- c( par1, rep(1,I),  scale( par1 + runif(I, - 1.4, 1.4 ),
        scale=FALSE), stats::runif( I,.6,1.4) )

# constraint matrix
gammaslope.constr.V <- matrix( 0, 4*I, 4 )
# sum of item intercepts equals zero
gammaslope.constr.V[ 1:I, 1] <- 1        # Class 1 (b)
gammaslope.constr.V[ 2*I + 1:I, 2] <- 1  # Class 2 (b)
# sum of item slopes equals number of items -> mean slope of 1
gammaslope.constr.V[ I + 1:I, 3] <- 1    # Class 1 (a)
gammaslope.constr.V[ 3*I + 1:I, 4] <- 1  # Class 2 (a)
gammaslope.constr.c <- c(0,0,I,I)

# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, control=list(maxiter=80), skillspace="discrete",
      theta.k=theta.k, delta.designmatrix=delta.designmatrix,
      gammaslope=gammaslope, gammaslope.constr.V=gammaslope.constr.V,
      gammaslope.constr.c=gammaslope.constr.c,  gammaslope.fixed=gammaslope.fixed,

# estimated item parameters
# summary
# latent class proportions
round( stats::aggregate( mod1$pi.k, list( rep(1:2, each=TT)), sum ), 3 )
# compare simulated and estimated item intercepts
int <- cbind( b1*a1, b2 * a2, - mod1$gammaslope[1:I], - mod1$gammaslope[2*I + 1:I ] )
round( int, 3 )
# simulated and estimated item slopes
slo <- cbind( a1, a2,  mod1$gammaslope[I+1:I], mod1$gammaslope[3*I + 1:I ] )

#--- specification in tamaan
tammodel <- "
  F=~ I0001__I0020
mod1t <- TAM::tamaan( tammodel, resp=dat )

# EXAMPLE 9: Toy example: Exact representation of an item by a factor

dat <- data.gpcm[,1,drop=FALSE ]   # choose first item
# some descriptives
( t1 <- table(dat) )

# The idea is that we define an IRT model with one latent variable
# which extactly corresponds to the manifest item.

I <- 1    # 1 item
K <- 4    # 4 categories
TP <- 4   # 4 discrete theta points

# define skill space
theta.k <- diag(TP)
# define loading matrix E
E <- array( -99, dim=c(I,K,TP,1 ) )
for (vv in 1:K){
    E[ 1, vv, vv, 1 ] <- 9
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl(resp=dat, E=E, skillspace="discrete",
         theta.k=theta.k,  notA=TRUE)
# -> the latent distribution corresponds to the manifest distribution, because ...
round( mod1$pi.k, 3 )
round( t1 / sum(t1), 3 )

# EXAMPLE 10: Some fixed item loadings

dat <- data.Students
# select variables
vars <- scan( nlines=1, what="character")
    act1 act2 act3 act4 act5 sc1 sc2 sc3 sc4
dat <- data.Students[, vars  ]

# define loading matrix: two-dimensional model
Q <- matrix( 0, nrow=9, ncol=2 )
Q[1:5,1] <- 1
Q[6:9,2] <- 1
# define some fixed item loadings
Q.fixed <- NA*Q
Q.fixed[ c(1,4), 1] <- .5
Q.fixed[ 6:7, 2 ] <- 1

# estimate model
mod3 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl( resp=dat, gammaslope.des="2PL", Q=Q, Q.fixed=Q.fixed,
            control=list( maxiter=10, nodes=seq(-4,4,len=10) )  )

# EXAMPLE 11: Mixed response formats - Multiple choice and partial credit items

dat <- data.timssAusTwn.scored

# select columns with item responses
dat <- dat[, grep("M0", colnames(dat) ) ]
I <- ncol(dat)   # number of items

# The idea is to start with partial credit modelling
# and then to include the guessing parameters

#*** Model 0: Partial Credit Model
mod0 <- TAM::tam.mml(dat)

#*** Model 1 and Model 2: include guessing parameters

# multiple choice items
guess_items <- which( apply( dat, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )==1 )
# define guessing parameters
guess0 <- rep(0,I)
guess0[ guess_items ] <- .25  # set guessing probability to .25

# define which guessing parameters should be estimated
est.guess1 <- rep(0,I)  # all parameters are fixed
est.guess2 <- 1 * ( guess0==.25 )  # joint guessing parameter

# use design matrix from partial credit model
A0 <- mod0$A

#--- Model 1: fixed guessing parameters of .25 and item slopes of 1
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl( dat, guess=guess0, est.guess=est.guess1,
            A=A0, est.some.slopes=FALSE, control=list(maxiter=50) )

#--- Model 2: estimate joint guessing parameters and item slopes of 1
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml.3pl( dat, guess=guess0, est.guess=est.guess2,
            A=A0, est.some.slopes=FALSE, control=list(maxiter=50) )

# model comparison
# }

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