# EXAMPLE 1: Dichotomous data data.sim.rasch
mod <- TAM::tam.mml(data.sim.rasch)
# expected response curves
plot(mod, items=1:5, export=FALSE)
# item response curves
plot(mod, items=1:5, type="items", export=FALSE)
# plot with graphics package
plot(mod, items=1:5, type="items", export=FALSE, ask=TRUE, package="graphics")
# EXAMPLE 2: Polytomous data
data(data.Students, package="CDM")
dat <- data.Students[, c("sc3","sc4", "mj1", "mj2" )]
dat <- na.omit(dat)
dat[ dat[,1]==3, 1 ] <- 2 # modify data
dat[ 1:20, 2 ] <- 4
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat )
# plot item response curves and expected response curves
plot(mod1, type="items", export=FALSE)
plot(mod1, type="expected", export=FALSE )
# }
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