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ripsFiltration: Rips Filtration


The function ripsFiltration computes the Rips filtration built on top of a point cloud.


    X, maxdimension, maxscale, dist = "euclidean",
    library = "GUDHI", printProgress = FALSE)


The function ripsFiltration returns a list with the following elements:


a list representing the complex. Its i-th element represents the vertices of i-th simplex.


a vector representing the filtration values. Its i-th element represents the filtration value of i-th simplex.


a logical variable indicating if the filtration values are in increasing order (TRUE) or in decreasing order (FALSE).


only if dist = "euclidean": a matrix representing the coordinates of vertices. Its i-th row represents the coordinate of i-th vertex.



If dist="euclidean", X is an \(n\) by \(d\) matrix of coordinates, where \(n\) is the number of points in the \(d\)-dimensional euclidean space. If dist="arbitrary", X is an \(n\) by \(n\) matrix of distances of \(n\) points.


integer: max dimension of the homological features to be computed. (e.g. 0 for connected components, 1 for connected components and loops, 2 for connected components, loops, voids, etc.)


number: maximum value of the rips filtration.


"euclidean" for Euclidean distance, "arbitrary" for an arbitrary distance given in input as a distance matrix.


a string specifying which library to compute the Rips filtration. If dist = "euclidean", the user can use either the library "GUDHI" or "Dionysus". If dist = "arbitrary", the user can use the library "Dionysus". The default value is "GUDHI" if dist = "euclidean", and "Dionysus" if dist == "arbitrary". When "GUDHI" is used for dist = "arbitrary", "Dionysus" is implicitly used.


logical: if TRUE, a progress bar is printed. The default value is FALSE.


Jisu Kim


For Rips filtration based on Euclidean distance of the input point cloud, the user can decide to use either the C++ library GUDHI or Dionysus. For Rips filtration based on arbitrary distance, the user can use the C++ library Dionysus. See refereneces.


Maria C (2014). "GUDHI, Simplicial Complexes and Persistent Homology Packages." https://project.inria.fr/gudhi/software/ .

Morozov D (2007). "Dionysus, a C++ library for computing persistent homology". https://www.mrzv.org/software/dionysus/

Edelsbrunner H, Harer J (2010). "Computational topology: an introduction." American Mathematical Society.

See Also

ripsDiag, filtrationDiag


Run this code
n <- 5
X <- cbind(cos(2*pi*seq_len(n)/n), sin(2*pi*seq_len(n)/n))
maxdimension <- 1
maxscale <- 1.5

FltRips <- ripsFiltration(X = X, maxdimension = maxdimension,
               maxscale = maxscale, dist = "euclidean", library = "GUDHI",
               printProgress = TRUE)

# plot rips filtration
lim <- rep(c(-1, 1), 2)
plot(NULL, type = "n", xlim = lim[1:2], ylim = lim[3:4],
    main = "Rips Filtration Plot")
for (idx in seq(along = FltRips[["cmplx"]])) {
  polygon(FltRips[["coordinates"]][FltRips[["cmplx"]][[idx]], , drop = FALSE],
      col = "pink", border = NA, xlim = lim[1:2], ylim = lim[3:4])
for (idx in seq(along = FltRips[["cmplx"]])) {
  polygon(FltRips[["coordinates"]][FltRips[["cmplx"]][[idx]], , drop = FALSE],
      col = NULL, xlim = lim[1:2], ylim = lim[3:4])
points(FltRips[["coordinates"]], pch = 16)

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