# make an original plot
plot( 11:20, sample(51:60) )
# add some histograms
subplot( hist(rnorm(100)), 15, 55)
subplot( hist(runif(100),main='',xlab='',ylab=''), 11, 51, hadj=0, vadj=0)
subplot( hist(rexp(100, 1/3)), 20, 60, hadj=1, vadj=1, size=c(0.5,2) )
subplot( hist(rt(100,3)), c(12,16), c(57,59), pars=list(lwd=3,ask=FALSE) )
### some of the following examples work fine in an interactive session,
### but loading the packages required does not work well in testing.
# augment a map
if( interactive() && require(spData) ){
tmp <- cbind( state.vbm$center_x, state.vbm$center_y )
for( i in 1:50 ){
tmp2 <- as.matrix(USArrests[i,c(1,4)])
tmp3 <- max(USArrests[,c(1,4)])
subplot( barplot(tmp2, ylim=c(0,tmp3),names=c('',''),yaxt='n'),
x=tmp[i,1], y=tmp[i,2], size=c(.1,.1))
tmp <- rnorm(25)
tmp2 <- subplot( hist(tmp,xlab='',ylab='',main=''),
grconvertX(0.1,from='npc'), grconvertY(0.9,from='npc'),
vadj=1, hadj=0 )
abline(v=0, col='red') # wrong way to add a reference line to histogram
# right way to add a reference line to histogram
op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
abline(v=0, col='green')
# scatter-plot using images
if(interactive() && require(png)) {
image.png <- function(x,...) {
cols <- rgb( x[,,1], x[,,2], x[,,3], x[,,4] )
z <- 1:length(cols)
dim(z) <- dim(x[,,1])
z <- t(z)
z <- z[ ,rev(seq_len(ncol(z))) ]
image(z, col=cols, axes=FALSE, ...)
logo <- readPNG(system.file("img", "Rlogo.png", package="png"))
x <- runif(10)
y <- runif(10)
plot(x,y, type='n')
for(i in 1:10) {
subplot(image.png(logo), x[i], y[i], size=c(0.3,0.3))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab