## ======================================================
## Creating state sequence objects from example data sets
## ======================================================
## biofam data set
## We use only a sample of 300 cases
biofam <- biofam[sample(nrow(biofam),300),]
biofam.lab <- c("Parent", "Left", "Married", "Left+Marr",
"Child", "Left+Child", "Left+Marr+Child", "Divorced")
biofam.seq <- seqdef(biofam, 10:25, labels=biofam.lab)
## actcal data set
## We use only a sample of 300 cases
actcal <- actcal[sample(nrow(actcal),300),]
actcal.lab <- c("> 37 hours", "19-36 hours", "1-18 hours", "no work")
actcal.seq <- seqdef(actcal,13:24,labels=actcal.lab)
## ex1 using weights
ex1.seq <- seqdef(ex1, 1:13, weights=ex1$weights)
## ====================
## Sequence index plots
## ====================
## First ten sequences
## All sequences sorted by age in 2000
## grouped by sex
seqIplot(actcal.seq, group=actcal$sex, sortv=actcal$age00)
## =======================
## State distribution plot
## =======================
## biofam grouped by sex
seqplot(biofam.seq, type="d", group=biofam$sex)
## actcal grouped by sex
seqplot(actcal.seq, type="d", group=actcal$sex)
## with overlayed entropy line
seqplot(actcal.seq, type="dH", group=actcal$sex)
## ===================
## Cross-sectional entropy plot
## ===================
seqplot(biofam.seq, type="Ht", group=biofam$sex)
## ========================
## Sequence frequency plots
## ========================
## Plot of the 10 most frequent sequences
seqplot(biofam.seq, type="f")
## Grouped by sex
seqfplot(actcal.seq, group=actcal$sex)
## Unweighted vs weighted frequencies
seqfplot(ex1.seq, weighted=FALSE)
seqfplot(ex1.seq, weighted=TRUE)
## =====================
## Modal states sequence
## =====================
seqplot(biofam.seq, type="ms")
## same as
## ====================
## Representative plots
## ====================
## Computing a distance matrix
## with OM metric
costs <- seqcost(actcal.seq, method="INDELSLOG")
actcal.om <- seqdist(actcal.seq, method="OM", sm=costs$sm, indel=costs$indel)
## Plot of the representative sets grouped by sex
## using the default density criterion
seqrplot(actcal.seq, group=actcal$sex, diss=actcal.om, coverage=.5)
## Plot of the representative sets grouped by sex
## using the "dist" (centrality) criterion
seqrplot(actcal.seq, group=actcal$sex, criterion="dist", diss=actcal.om, coverage=.33)
## ========================
## Relative frequency plots
## ========================
## Using default sorting by first MDS variable
seqrfplot(actcal.seq, diss=actcal.om, sortv=NULL, group=actcal$sex)
## ===============
## Mean time plot
## ===============
## actcal data set, grouped by sex
seqplot(actcal.seq, type="mt", group=actcal$sex)
## displaying mean times as bar labels
group <- factor(actcal$sex)
blab <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(levels(group))){
blab <- cbind(blab,seqmeant(actcal.seq[group==levels(group)[i],]))
seqmtplot(actcal.seq, group=group,
bar.labels = round(blab,digits=2), cex.barlab=1.2)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab