A list with the following components (see Janes et al. (2013) for a description of the summary measures and estimators):
test.Null List of results of a test of the null hypothesis H0: No decrease in event rate under marker-based treatment. Contains "reject" (logical; was H0 rejected), p.value, z.statistic, and alpha
estimates data.frame of dimension 1x9 of summary measure estimates. Includes:
p.rec.trt : proportion recommended treatment;
p.rec.notrt : proportion recommended no treatment;
B.neg.emp, B.neg.mod: Average benefit of no treatment among those recommended no trt, empirical and model-based estimates;
B.pos.emp, B.neg.mod: Average benefit of treatment among those recommended trt, empirical and model-based estimates;
Theta.emp, Theta.mod: Decrease in rate of outcomes under marker-based treatment, empirical and model-based estimates;
Var.Delta: variance in estimated treatment effect;
TG: Total gain.
ER.trt0.emp/mod, ER.trt1.emp/mod, ER.mkrbased.emp/mod: Event rates under trt = 0, trt = 1 or for marker-based treatment.
Marker.Thresh: Marker positivity threshold-- defined as the maximum marker value such that estimated treatment effect < "thresh" (=treatment effect used to define the treatment rule, this is set when creating the trtsel object). If all observations are marker negative (or all are positive), Marker.Thresh has value NA
conf.intervalsdata.frame of dimension 2x9 with bootstrap-based confidence intervals for each summary measures. If bootstraps = 0 or boot = FALSE, this component is NULL.